"Entered Into An Unholy Alliance": P&H HC Dismisses Married Woman's Protection Plea Having Live In Relationship With Another Man

Nupur Thapliyal

21 Aug 2021 4:04 AM

  • Entered Into An Unholy Alliance: P&H HC Dismisses Married Womans Protection Plea Having Live In Relationship With Another Man

    The Punjab and Haryana High Court has dismissed a protection plea filed by a woman, married and having a child from the wedlock, living in a live in relationship with another man after observing that she entered into an unholy alliance with him.The couple had approached the High Court seeking protection of their life and liberty at the hands of woman's husband and family members opposing...

    The Punjab and Haryana High Court has dismissed a protection plea filed by a woman, married and having a child from the wedlock, living in a live in relationship with another man after observing that she entered into an unholy alliance with him.

    The couple had approached the High Court seeking protection of their life and liberty at the hands of woman's husband and family members opposing their live in relationship.

    "Thus, this Court feels no hesitation to say that petitioner No.1 has entered into an unholy alliance with petitioner No.2. Except for the bald allegations that private respondents No. 5 to 7 are giving threat to the petitioners, no supportive material has been placed on record by the petitioners," Justice Sant Prakash observed while dismissing the plea.

    The woman was married to respondent no. 7, her husband, against her free will in July 2018. Later, a child was born out of the wedlock. Not being happy with the marriage, it was alleged that she was harrassed by her husband mentally and physically as a result of which she left her matrimonial home.

    In view of this, it was alleged by the couple that the respondents turned against their alliance and threatened them to eliminate them. Apprehending that harm may be caused to them, the plea also averred that a representation was submitted by the petitioner couple on 13 August, 2021 however no action was taken by the police.

    "Having heard the learned counsel for the petitioners, this Court of the view that the present writ petition deserves to be dismissed for the following more than one reasons," the Court said.

    Hearing the counsel appearing for the petitioners, the Court was of the view that he could not convince the Court that the woman got the legal divorce her husband.

    "The representation submitted by the petitioners to respondent No.2 does not contain the allegations against private respondents No.5 to 7 as averred in the writ petition, much less the manner and mode of alleged threat extended to the petitioners," the Court said.

    Observing that there was no valid and convincing material in the writ petition for the Court to exercise it's extra-ordinary writ jurisdiction, the plea was dismissed.

    Title: Simranjeet Kaur and another v. State of Haryana and others

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