Covid-19: Delhi High Court, District Courts To Continue Functioning Through Virtual Mode Till February 11

Nupur Thapliyal

12 Jan 2022 1:38 PM

  • Covid-19: Delhi High Court, District Courts To Continue Functioning Through Virtual Mode Till February 11

    The Delhi High Court and the District Courts will continue to function through virtual mode till February 12, 2022. The office order comes in continuation of the earlier order issued on December 30, 2021 which said that the High Court and district courts will function through virtual mode only with effect from January 3 to January 15, 2022. The courts of Registrar and Joint Registrar...

    The Delhi High Court and the District Courts will continue to function through virtual mode till February 12, 2022.

    The office order comes in continuation of the earlier order issued on December 30, 2021 which said that the High Court and district courts will function through virtual mode only with effect from January 3 to January 15, 2022. 

    The courts of Registrar and Joint Registrar (Judicial) shall also take up matters through virtual mode only.

    "The video-conferencing links of the courts shall be made available on the website/ cause-list(s). The Principal District and Sessions Judges, in consultation with the DG (Prisons), shall make necessary arrangements for extension of remand of UTPs. Wherever required, the UTPs may be produced through video-conferencing," the order had read.

    It had added "All the stakeholders including court-staff, required to come to the Courts, shall get themselves fully vaccinated and shall strictly adhere to the norms of social-distancing and Covid-19 protocols, guidelines, directions, etc. issued by the Government of India, Government of NCT of Delhi and this Court from time to time."

    Click Here To Read Order 

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