Delhi HC Directs Delhi University To Issue Digital Degree Certificates To Students [Read Order]

Karan Tripathi

13 Sept 2020 1:28 PM

  • Delhi HC Directs Delhi University To Issue Digital Degree Certificates To Students [Read Order]

    Delhi High Court has issued a series of directions to the Delhi University to streamline the process of issuing digital degree certificates and marksheets to its students.While issuing the directions, the Single Bench of Justice Prathiba M Singh highlighted that in light of the COVID19 pandemic, applications for transcripts and issuance of transcripts being made physically ought to be done...

    Delhi High Court has issued a series of directions to the Delhi University to streamline the process of issuing digital degree certificates and marksheets to its students.

    While issuing the directions, the Single Bench of Justice Prathiba M Singh highlighted that in light of the COVID19 pandemic, applications for transcripts and issuance of transcripts being made physically ought to be done away with and mechanism should be put in place for issuing degrees through online mode.

    The order has come in a bunch of petitions filed by erstwhile students of the Delhi University who have not received their degree certificates despite graduating from the University years ago.

    On the issue of printing degrees, the court directed that the DU officials shall confirm with the printer as to what would be the timeline, which would be required to print and supply the paper degrees to DU after the receipt of the data, and subsequently, how much time will the University take in supplying the same to the students.

    The court further directed that for future academic years DU ought to be able to transmit the data to Digilocker immediately after the declaration of results of the final year, so that students do not have to wait for the issuance of digital degree certificates.

    The Delhi University informed the court that the online portal set up by the University for students to apply for digital degrees, has tabs for urgent and non-urgent options. Students can click on either of the one tabs considering their requirement.

    When Advocate Sarthak Maggon, who was appearing for the Petitioner, submitted that there are 30,000 other students who are also seeking digital degrees, the court noted that such students shall be allowed to upload their relevant documents on the online portal and the same shall then be processed by the Delhi University for issuing digital degrees.

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