No Water In Washroom, No Cooling Facility In Over 40 Degrees Temperature: Delhi Consumer Forum Adjourns Case

Bhavya Singh

29 May 2024 8:07 AM

  • No Water In Washroom, No Cooling Facility In Over 40 Degrees Temperature: Delhi Consumer Forum Adjourns Case

    Delhi's Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum adjourned a case last week, citing the absence of air conditioning or cooling facilities in the courtroom. The decision came as temperatures soared above 40 degrees Celsius, making it difficult for the forum to conduct proceedings effectively.The coram, comprising President Suresh Kumar Gupta and Members Harshali Kaur and Ramesh Chand Yadav,...

    Delhi's Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum adjourned a case last week, citing the absence of air conditioning or cooling facilities in the courtroom. The decision came as temperatures soared above 40 degrees Celsius, making it difficult for the forum to conduct proceedings effectively.

    The coram, comprising President Suresh Kumar Gupta and Members Harshali Kaur and Ramesh Chand Yadav, also highlighted the lack of basic amenities like watery supply in washroom.

    “There is neither Air Conditioner nor Cooler in the Court Room. Temperature is more than 40 Degree Celsius. There is too much heat in the Court room which led to sweating as such it is difficult to hear arguments. Moreover, there is no water supply even to go to the washroom to ease ourselves,” the coram noted.

    Given these circumstances, the Consumer Forum deemed it impractical to proceed with the case and opted to adjourn it until November 21.

    “In these circumstances, arguments cannot be heard so case is adjourned for the arguments...Put up for 21.11.2024,” the forum stated in its order.

    The coram also directed that a copy of the present order be sent to the Secretary-Cum-Commissioner for information.

    Case Title: Rajender Singh v. Vodafone & Ors.

    Complaint Case No. CC/16/346

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