Consumer Forum Directs Reliance Retail To Pay Rs. 7,000 As Compensation For Collecting Price For Carry Bag

Charu Singh

28 Nov 2022 3:00 PM

  • Consumer Forum Directs Reliance Retail To Pay Rs. 7,000 As Compensation For Collecting Price For Carry Bag

    The District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission comprising of Mrs. M. Shobha as President and Ms. Renukadevi Deshpande and Mr. H. Janardhan as members ordered Reliance Retail Limited to refund the money spent on a carry bag, which the complainant was forced to buy and further pay Rs.5000 as compensation and Rs.2000 towards litigation expenses. The complainant, who is a lawyer...

    The District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission comprising of Mrs. M. Shobha as President and Ms. Renukadevi Deshpande and Mr. H. Janardhan as members ordered Reliance Retail Limited to refund the money spent on a carry bag, which the complainant was forced to buy and further pay Rs.5000 as compensation and Rs.2000 towards litigation expenses.

    The complainant, who is a lawyer and his wife were returning from a temple on 10.07.2022 when they visited the shop of Reliance Smart point (Opposite Party No.2). They purchased items worth Rs.2,007.30 and hence had to ask for a carry bag. The complainant had no prior plan to go for shopping which is why he was not carrying his own carry bag. Later on, the complainant was shocked to see that he has been charged Rs.24.90 for that carry bad as item no.18 in his bill. The complainant further pointed out that though the malls provide free carry bags which has been time and again pointed out by national and state commissions and Hon'ble state commissions and moreover it is a criterion under the consumer protection act.

    The complainant stated that the Opposite parties are carrying business of selling goods of various brands, including its own name and style and in the given circumstances the opposite party ought to supply carry bags free of cost. He further stated that the opposite parties are taking advantage of advertising themselves through these carry bags without spending a single penny, which on the face of it is an illegal act.

    It was observed that the Opposite Party 2 has not allowed consumers to carry their own carry bags inside and hence it is their bounden duty to provide carry bags to their customers as they cannot take their groceries in their hand. It is also the duty of the opposite party to inform the consumers to carry their own carry bags. In response to the notice issue by the Commission , the opposite parties failed to appear before the Commission or contest the matter.

    The bench notes that under these circumstances the complainant has clearly established the unfair trade practice or defective practice on the part of the opposite parties.

    Order Passed by the Consumer Forum:

    • OP is directed to refund the amount of Rs.24.90 ps., along with compensation of Rs.5,000/- to the complainant.
    • OP is further directed to pay Rs.2,000/- towards cost of the litigation to the complainant.
    • The OP shall comply this order within 60 days from this date, failing which the amount of Rs.7,024.90 ps., will carry interest at 12% p.a. after expiry of 60 days till final payment

    Case Title: Ravikiran C vs Reliance Retail Limited & Anr

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