'Tweets Were Published Over One Year Ago': AG KK Venugopal Refuses Consent For Contempt Action Against Shefali Vaidya


2 Dec 2020 9:10 AM GMT

  • Tweets Were Published Over One Year Ago: AG KK Venugopal Refuses Consent For Contempt Action Against Shefali Vaidya

    The Attorney General for India, KK Venugopal has refused to grant consent for initiating contempt proceedings against author Shefali Vaidya for her tweets over Supreme Court, stating that the same were made over a year ago. Responding to a complaint filed by activist Saket Gokhale, the AG said, "I have examined the tweets referred to by you which have apparently been posted by...

    The Attorney General for India, KK Venugopal has refused to grant consent for initiating contempt proceedings against author Shefali Vaidya for her tweets over Supreme Court, stating that the same were made over a year ago.

    Responding to a complaint filed by activist Saket Gokhale, the AG said,

    "I have examined the tweets referred to by you which have apparently been posted by Ms. Shefali Vaidya on her twitter page. I find that each of the tweets has been published over one year ago. I may draw your attention to Section 20 of the Contempt of Courts Act, 1971, which bars the initiation of any contempt action either suo motu or otherwise after the expiry of one year from the date of the allegedly contumacious conduct.

    In these circumstances therefore, without going into the merits of your request, no action can be taken against Ms. Shefali Vaidya."

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