National Seminar on Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Technology Transfer and Economic Growth
Nikita Hora
9 May 2016 7:38 AM

Nehru Memorial Law PG College has called for papers and is conducting national seminar on the Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Technology Transfer and Economic Growth: Prospects and Challenges.
The poorly equipped intellectual property (IP) bar and limited juristic understanding of IP laws call for a fair balance between the interests and rights of intellectual labourers on the one hand and imperatives of rapid creativeness and inventiveness in Indian knowledge-based liberalized economy. It pervades all sectors of economy and is increasingly becoming important for ensuring competitiveness of the enterprises in the form of patents; trademarks; geographical indications; industrial designs; layout-designs (Topographies) of integrated circuits; plant variety protection and copyright, undisclosed information, trade secrets, and traditional knowledge. As far back in 1956, Justice RajagopalAyyangar's Report lamented that ‘the patents are taken not in the interests of the economy of the country granting the patent or with a view to manufacture there but with the main objective of protecting an export market from competition from rival manufacturers particularly those in other parts of the world’.
This National Seminar offers an opportunity to experts from various disciplines, be they are, Researchers, Academicians, Policymakers, Government Organization, Law Experts, International Lawyers, Judges, Negotiators, Diplomats, Government Representatives, National Organizations, Media Representatives, Non-Governmental Organization and Students to come together and share their valuable thoughts, impression and research studies on the following issues relating to majors themes of changing dimensions of intellectual property rights in present economics perspective:
- Impact of WTO ,IPR Realization and Enforcement of TRIPS Agreement
- Patent Laws, Indian Innovations and Licensing Policies
- Geographical Indication on Food and Biodiversity and Its Impact/ Traditional Knowledge and Management in Plant Variety
- Challenges of Copyrights and Cyberspace
- Emergences of Designs and Trade Mark Laws/ Trade Secrets and Competition Law in Liberalized Economy
Call for Papers
Seminar papers are invited from the academicians, practitioners, researchers, scholars and students on the issues related to above themes. It is also proposed that the selected papers by the Committee will be published in a special volume on the seminar in the form of an edited book with ISBN No. Author of selected papers would be given an opportunity to present their papers as per requirement of the theme during sessions on the day of the seminar.
N M Law PG College, Hanumangarh Town (Raj.)-335513
Important Dates
Last Date for Submission of Abstracts by Post/E-mail (Softcopy): 25th May, 2016
Intimation on Selection of the Paper: 30th May, 2016
Last Date for Submission of Full Paper(Soft Copy): 30th June, 2016
Last Date for Submission of Full Paper [Hard Copy]: 15th July, 2016
Seminar: 6th& 7th August 2016
Registration Procedure & Fees
- Participants willing to attend the seminar should fill the enclosed Registration Form and submit it latest by 10th July, 2016 along with the requisite fee.
- Filled-in registration form can be sent electronically or by post. In case of electronic submission of registration form, requisite fee should reach the N M Law PG College, Hanumangarh Town (Raj.)-335513 by 15th July, 2016
- Registration fee should be remitted through Demand Draft/Bankers cheque drawn in favour of The Principal, N M Law PG College, Hanumangarh payable at Hanumangarh, Rajasthan.
- Registration fees in cash can also be paid at the Registration desks on the inaugural day at the venue.
Types of Delegates | Registration Fee |
a) Academicians | Rs. 500 |
b) Professionals (NGOs/Media Persons/Policymakers) | Rs. 500 |
c) Research Scholars | Rs. 400 |
d) Students | Rs. 200 |
e) Foreign Delegates | US$ 100 |
Guidelines for Submission
- Interested authors should submit an abstract of their original research/conceptual papers and empirical studies/case studies briefly describing objectives, methodology, major results and its implications in about 500 words.
- All abstracts will be peer reviewed and evaluated before final acceptance. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit and present full paper at the seminar.
- Accepted abstract are likely to be published in the souvenir of the projected Seminar.
- The length of the full papers should normally not exceed about 5000 words (excluding tables, figures, illustrations and references etc.) and it must be typed in Times New Roman font Size 12 on A4 size paper with 1” margin on all sides with 1.5 line spacing using MS Word.
- The Blue Book: A Uniform System of Citation (19th ed.) must be strictly adhered to while submitting the abstract and full papers.
- All the Abstracts and Full length papers shall be sent as an attachment on email
Contact details
Phone No: 01552-222663