National Conference on Justice Education 2016
Sukriti Singh
13 Jan 2016 9:28 AM

Institute of Law, Nirma University is going to organize a National Conference on Justice Education to review the working of the Indian Supreme Court for the last sixty years. The conference will be graced by the presence of Justice V. Gopala Gowda, Judge, Supreme Court, Respected Professor Upendra Baxi, University of Warwick; Respected Senior Advocate Mr. Lalit Bhasin, Supreme Court of India & Respected Senior Advocate Mr. P.H Parekh, Supreme Court of India, Flavia Agnes, Women Activist and Lawyer and many others, who would be providing their insights on the Justice Education in the Conference.
Date: 23rd and 24th January 2016
Venue: Institute of Law, Nirma University Sarkhej- Gandhinagar Highway, Ahmedabad 382481, Gujarat, India
Theme: Six Decades of Working of Supreme Court of India
Sub themes
- 1950-1960 the H.J. Kania Era
- 1961-1970 the Hidayatullah era
- 1971-1980 The H.R. Khanna Era
- 1981-1990 The Y.V chandrachud/ P.N bhagwati/ V.R. Krishna Iyer Era
- 1991-2000 The kuldip Singh Era
- 2001-2010 the R.C. Lahoti/ K.G balakrishnan era
- 2011 onwards -the J.S. Khehar Era.
Submission Guidelines
- All submissions are to be made at .
- Co-Authors upto two are allowed.
- Submission should include separate Title Page which clearly indicates the name(s) of the author(s), complete mailing address (es), Telephone No. and e-mail address (es).
- The text of the full paper and abstract must include title of the paper, but must not include the name(s) of the author(s) as the papers will be blind reviewed.
Formatting Guidelines
- An abstract should be typed in Times New Roman, 12 Font Size with 1.5 spacing (Title in 15 Font Size) and word limit is 350 words. The abstract should also contain key words used (5-8) in the text.
- The final paper should be typed in Times New Roman 12 Font Size with 1.5 spacing (Title in 15 Font Size) and word limit should not exceed 4,000 (inclusive of footnotes).
- All references and citation mode for the Conference paper shall be as per the Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, 18th or any other uniform citation style.
Important Dates
- Last date for submission of Abstract: December 10, 2015
- Last date for submission of final paper: January 10, 2016
- Deadline for delegate registration: Ends January 16, 2016
For further details, kindly contact,
(i) Prof. (Dr.) Purvi Pokhariyal, Chairperson, NCJE 16
(ii)Ms. Shivani Pateriya, Student Coordinator
(iii)Ms.Alakananda Duggirala , Student Coordinator
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