Nalsar to Host 78th Session of Institut de Droit International from Sept 3rd to 10th

aasavri Rai

31 Aug 2017 12:18 PM IST

  • Nalsar to Host 78th Session of Institut de Droit International from Sept 3rd to 10th

    The 78th Session of Institut de Droit International (Institute of International Law) will be held at the Nalsar University of Law, Hyderabad, from September 3rd to 10th. In its history of nearly 150 years, this will be the first time that a session of the institute is held in India. Only once before had the institute convened its meeting in Asia, i.e., in Japan in 2013.Further, for the first time the institute meeting would be held under the presidency of an Indian member, Dr PS Rao.

    Over the past several decades, the institute has made commendable contributions in the field of international law, both public and private, including unification and the harmonisation of private international law involving conflict of laws and jurisdictions. It has also dealt with important areas of public international law such as International Humanitarian Law, use of force and self-defence, and law relating to the UN Charter.

    Around 60 leading jurists, practitioners and scholars would get together to brainstorm issues of the problems arising out of mass migration, working of the Security Council of the United Nations, investment disputes, the law governing provisional measures in disputes before tribunals, etc. Among the noted dignitaries would be three judges of the International Court of Justice, two judges of the World Bank Administrative Tribunal, member of the UN Yugoslavia Tribunal, former president of the International Criminal Court, former judges of different international tribunals. Professors and practitioners of the world’s renowned universities who incidentally acted or acting as judges or arbitrators in several international cases involving different nations, including India, would also be present.

    The Indian members present at the session would be Dr PS Rao, former Legal Advisor of India, chairman of International Law Commission and judge ad hoc of International Court of Justice, Prof Yogesh Tagi, Vice-Chancellor, Delhi University, and Prof BS Chimni, chairperson, Centre for International Legal Studies (CILS) at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

    Further details regarding the session can be found here (

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