NLS-Trilegal International Arbitration Conference To Take Place On May 16

aasavri Rai

9 May 2019 9:31 AM

  • NLS-Trilegal International Arbitration Conference To Take Place On May 16

    The Moot Court Society at National Law School of India University, Bangalore, is organizing the second edition of the NLS-Trilegal International Arbitration Conference, along with its flagship moot competition—the NLS-Trilegal International Arbitration Moot.

    Date: 16th May, 2019

    About the Conference: The conference will be a unique opportunity for students, researchers, arbitration professionals, lawyers and academicians to engage on pertinent issues impacting the practising of arbitration in the ever-evolving legal and economic environment.

    It is a Certificate Conference and each participant shall be awarded with a Certificate at the end of the conference upon attending the sessions.

    Theme of the Conference:

    The two sessions in the conference will focus on

    • 'Arbitration and Technology'
    • 'Interim Measures in Arbitration'


    • Registration: INR 700 (inclusive of cost for registration, logistics and refreshments for participants).
    • Accommodation (on demand only): INR 600 per night.

    Deadline: Walk-in registrations are permitted, subject to availability of seats.

    Queries can be addressed to

    To register, click here.

    The concept note can be accessed here.

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