NLU Delhi & SOAS University Of London: Online Summer School On 'Climate Justice And Climate Law: South-North Perspectives' [26 June To 7 July 2023]


29 April 2023 8:31 AM

  • NLU Delhi & SOAS University Of London: Online Summer School On Climate Justice And Climate Law: South-North Perspectives [26 June To 7 July 2023]
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    National Law University Delhi and the Law Environment and Development Centre (LEDC), SOAS University of London, jointly present the second edition of the two-week online certificate course on climate justice titled 'Climate Justice and Climate Law: South-North Perspectives' from 26 June – 7 July 2023.

    The Summer School is inviting applications from candidates with an undergraduate degree in any field, students currently enrolled in undergraduate, post-graduate and doctoral programmes and working professionals. There is no restriction regarding age, nationality, and gender in the admission process.

    The last date to apply is 15 May 2023 (11.30 pm IST/ 7 pm UTC+1).

    The course is online and is offered free of cost.

    Applications are only accepted online and should be submitted via A detailed call for applications is available on the NLU Delhi website:, and interested candidates are advised to refer to it before applying. Candidates are also advised to follow NLU Delhi’s Twitter (@NLUDofficial) & LinkedIn handles for latest updates on the same.

    The application should contain the following documents:

    1. Detailed curriculum vitae.

    2. Motivation letter (max 400 words) indicating why you are applying and how this course would be helpful in the future. Preference will be given to those with a demonstrated interest in the subject matter.

    Incomplete applications and late applications will be rejected.

    The course will be based on the same pattern as was followed in the maiden edition of the course which was offered last year. The course will focus on the intersection between climate justice and climate change law and policy, framed around understanding justice linked to equity within and among countries. The course will bring together experts from the global South and global North. It will employ a unique pedagogical approach of combining lectures, class exercises, self-study and course work. Roundtable discussions and interactive talks with experts also form an integral part of the programme.

    The Summer School is supported by the British Council Going Global Partnerships Top-Up Grant which was offered jointly to NLU Delhi and SOAS University of London.

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