10th RGNUL National Moot Court Competition


4 April 2022 7:35 AM

  • 10th RGNUL National Moot Court Competition

    The Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjabin association with Late Lala Dip Chand Memorial Trustorganised 10th RGNUL National Moot Court Competition from 1-3 April 2022. The competition was conducted virtually. 50 teams across the nation participated in the competition. Eminent judges and senior advocates adjudged the preliminary and final rounds. The moot propositionwas drafted byProf. Dr. Suman Dash Bhattamishra, Asst. Professor of Law, NLU Odisha.

    The final rounds were presided over by a two-Judge Bench, Justice SS Saron, Former Judge Punjab and Haryana High Court and Mr. SumeetGoel, Senior Advocate Punjab and Haryana High Court. Prof. G.S. Bajpai, Vice-Chancellor, RGNUL, Punjab eulogised the performance of the participants. While addressing the audience during the valedictory function, Prof. Bajpaiemphasized that moot court competitions were an effective way to prepare law students for appellate advocacy. "Mooting is not only about presenting propositions of law but also is about applying proposition to argue for required results," he added. Prof. Bajpaisaid, "Mooting enhances legal drafting, writing, researchingand speaking skills.It also improves spirit ofteamwork."

    Justice SS Saron addressed the participants. He said that they must always strive to give their best performance in competition. He observed, "Moot court competition engagesstudents of law in a conversation responsive to the judge's concernwhich is the hallmark of oral advocacy." While speaking during the valedictory session, Adv Sumeet Goyallauded the efforts of the organisers. He said, "Moot court competitions can transmogrify simple students to legal luminaries." Dr. Naresh Kumar Vats, Registrar, RGNUL, Punjab congratulated the winners and said, "Moot court competition is an excellent way of learning, practising and perfecting advocacy."

    University School of Law and Legal Studies, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi won the 10th RGNUL National Moot Court Competition. UILS, Panjab University, Chandigarh was adudged Runners-up.The best speaker award was bagged by Aditya Rai, Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur. TejashwiniMallick was adjudged the best researcher. The best memorial award was won by Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad.

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