NLU-Delhi Opens First Of Its Kind Clinic For Assistance In Labour Laws (CALL)
18 April 2019 5:41 AM

The Legal Services Committee of National Law University, Delhi inaugurated the 'Clinic for Assistance in Labour Laws' (CALL). The Clinic was inaugurated by the workers of the University. The Clinic is the first in a network of various mobile 'CALL Points' to be established at various workplaces and establishments in and around Dwarka initially, and later in different parts of Delhi. CALL Points are intended to be resource points on all matters pertaining to labour law.
The Clinic aims at focusing on concerns of workers to bridge a gap between employees and the legal mechanism and seeks to ultimately counteract the inequality of bargaining power inherent in the employment relationship.
A CALL Point is essentially a volunteer/ resource person working in coordination with trade unions and workers to ensure implementation of labour provisions. The CALL Point then connects with the Legal Services Committee, NLU Delhi for providing the legal assistance needed.
The Clinic was inaugurated by the house-keeping staff of the university in presence of Dr. Ruhi Raul and Dr. Sophy K.J. who are the faculty advisors of the Clinic, and Mr. Sanjoy Ghose, a practicing advocate specializing in labour matters. This was followed by a detailed workshop on labour rights for the university staff after inauguration by Mr. Ghose, where he addressed their concerns and provided solutions. The workshop was followed by a cultural event, where students and workers of the university jointly participated in various performances. The event culminated with a Tambola night, where prizes were sponsored by Dr. G. S. Bajpai and Dr. Siddharth Dahiya. The Clinic also aims at organising such cultural event by workers every year.