NALSAR Launches 5 Years BBA – MBA Integrated Program In Management


1 May 2021 4:21 PM IST

  • NALSAR University Of Laws Eighteenth Annual Convocation Ceremony At Justice City, Chief Justice N V Ramana To Deliver Convocation Address

    NALSAR, has launched its Integrated Program in Management (BBA-MBA) course this year. In doing so, NALSAR has become the first law university to launch this five-year BBA program aimed at nurturing young ignited minds just like several Indian Institutes of Management (Indore, Rohtak, Jammu, Bodhgaya and Ranchi). The program has been carefully designed in accordance to the NEP 2020 and the CBCS guidelines of the UGC to produce level-5 business leaders who display indomitable professional will and personal humility. The IPM NALSAR intends to create a composite and rigorous curricula by combining live projects, action learning and deep corporate connects for holistic development of the young minds aspiring to make a career in the field of management.

    The first three years of the NALSAR IPM at the Department of Management Studies (DoMS) are aimed at providing a solid foundation of concepts of management, social sciences, humanities, law and quantitative aptitude. The last two years of the program are intended to burnish the managerial skills. In line with the NEP, 2020, NALSAR offers a voluntary exit for students after three years. However, the student needs to fulfil all the prescribed criteria as per the regulations of the university.

    More details about the program can be found at

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