JGLS Appointed 75 Faculty Members In 2019; Faculty-Student Ratio Raised To 1:12


14 Sept 2019 7:39 PM IST

  • JGLS Global Business Law Review Blog | Call for Submissions

    The Jindal Global Law School (JGLS) has appointed 75 full-time faculty members over this year to improve its faculty-student ratio to 1:12, said the official press release.

    Earlier this month, the law school had announced the appointment of four doyens of Indian legal education– Professor (Dr.) Upendra Baxi, Professor (Dr.) Mahendra Pal Singh, Professor (Dr.) B.S. Chimni and Professor B.B. Pande as professors.

    "The only way to build a world-class law school is to be able to hire a world-class faculty… JGLS has created an academic ecosystem and an intellectually vibrant environment that fosters academic freedom, intellectual autonomy and research independence while providing adequate resources to fulfill the individual and institutional objectives. Our aim has been to provide the faculty members quality time to pursue research and the students to have greater interaction with the faculty members..." Founding Vice-Chancellor and Dean of JGLS, Professor (Dr) C Raj Kumar said.

    The law school now has a total number of 230 full-time faculty members with an average age of 35 years and has around 25 visiting faculty members. Among the 75 new faculty members, 23 are graduates of National Law Universities. Thereby, one-third of JGLS' faculty members are NLU graduates, making JGLS one of the largest employers of NLS graduates. Further, 63% of the newly hired faculty members are women, making the number of male and female faulty members in the institution equal. It is noteworthy that 40% of JGLS' leadership positions are tenured by female faculty members.

    10% of the newly hired faculty members and 14% of the overall faculty members in the law school are international faculty members from 17 different countries such as Argentina, Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Iceland, The Netherlands, Nigeria, Poland, Romania, South Korea, Sweden, United Kingdom and United States of America.

    64 of these 75 new hires have LL.M. degrees from leading international Universities such as Harvard University, University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, National University of Singapore, Columbia University, University of California, Berkeley, University of Pennsylvania, Utrecht University etc. and 86% of the overall faculty members have at least one qualification from top international Universities.

    "JGLS has demonstrated its commitment of seeking to bring on board the highest quality of researchers and teachers in the academy. Its recent hiring of Professors Baxi, Singh, Pande, and Chimni, coupled with its continued recruitment of top-flight young, mid-career, and other senior legal talent both from within India and around the world, shows JGLS' dedication to creating a vibrant intellectual milieu from which its students can richly benefit", Chairperson of the International Board of Advisors of JGLS, Professor Jayanth K. Krishnan said.

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