Call For Papers: NLU Publication Of Special Book "Future Of work, And Labour Policy And The Law"

Manav Malhotra

23 Jan 2019 6:48 PM IST

  • Call For Papers: NLU Publication Of Special Book Future Of work, And Labour Policy And The Law

    The Centre for Transparency and Accountability in Governance (CTAG) has decided to invite quality research articles from all the stakeholders such as teachers, students, Presiding officers of labour courts, labour commissions, EPF Commissioners, Trade Union leaders, Activists, NGOs, civil societies, administrators, advocates, judges, professional from law firms and policymakers, involved in employment law including labour law for the publication of a Special book titled "Future of work, and Labour Policy and the Law".


    1. Challenges of Robotics, Automation, including the surge of Artificial Intelligence
    2. Challenges on enforcement of Labour Policy & the Law
    3. The contribution of national and international institutions in determining policies on the future of work in the 21st century
    4. Ease of doing business and protection of Rights of Workers
    5. Future of work for Contract Labour - Law and Policies
    6. Future of work for workers engaged in the informal sector- domestic workers, security services, agricultural, workers, sewage workers, construction workers, etc
    7. Impact of technological advancement on the nature of works, skills, employment opportunities, the formation of workers association, basic rights of workers, etc.
    8. Industrial Development vis-à-vis protection to workers
    9. Labour Law Reforms affecting the future of work and workers protection
    10. Labour market and Role of Social Partners including workers' organizations/association
    11. Labour policy and the Law influencing the future of work
    12. Formalization of workforce & Legal Protection including Social Security to Unorganized / Informal workers
    13. Liberalization, privatization and globalization, and the future of work
    14. The necessity of technological advancement and employment opportunities for workers in the informal sector
    15. Skill Development - Law & Policy and future of work and employment opportunities
    16. Technological advancement and employment opportunities for workers in the unorganised sector in developed and developing countries
    17. Technological advancement-Artificial intelligence, Automation, Robotics, etc and future of work
    18. Technological changes and unemployment & rehabilitation of workers in formal and informal sectors.
    19. Terms and Conditions of employment -Fixed Term Appointment, Voluntary / Premature Retirement, Employment in SDGs, social security benefits to women workers, etc.
    20. Universalization of labour laws and protection to the workforce and self-employed persons.

    Submission Guidelines

    • The research paper should not be of more than 10000 words

    • Papers are accepted for publication on the condition that they do not infringe the copyright or any other rights of any third parties and that the work does not contain any obscene, offensive, defamatory, or racially prejudiced material.

    • Submission must also be compatible with Microsoft Word

    • Deadline for the submission of Research Articles: 31 January 2019

    • All manuscripts must be accompanied by an abstract of about 150 words stating the theme of the paper precisely along with keywords.

    • Authors shall be required to submit an author profile, post submission of 200 words before their contribution can be considered for publication. One Co-author is allowed.

    • The submission must be the original work of the authors. Any form of plagiarism will lead to disqualification.

    • Research Articles must not have been sent for consideration at any other place for presentation or publication.

    • Footnotes must conform to the Standard Indian Legal Citation (SILC) Rules of citation

    • Copyright of all entries shall exclusively vest with NLU Delhi. The submission would imply that the author has assigned such rights to NLU Delhi.

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