Flying Research Kites: A Joint Exploration Of Research


13 Jun 2021 12:12 PM IST

  • NALSAR University Of Laws Eighteenth Annual Convocation Ceremony At Justice City, Chief Justice N V Ramana To Deliver Convocation Address

    A commonly recognized reality in the realm of research is that to find an issue worthy of research is itself a research exercise. It is this exercise more than any other which inaugurates scholastic relationships with research. In spelling out their expectations from scholars, for both entry and advancement in the Academy, educational regulations mandate doctoral theses and peer reviewed quality publications. Even as the outcomes are uniformly spelled out for all scholars, the guidance or mentoring needed to undertake the responsibility is not equally available to all. NALSAR University of Law is making a modest effort to rectify this inequity by making the much needed mentoring more universally available. To this end, from this year, NALSAR will conduct research workshops titled "Flying Research Kites: A Joint Exploration of Research. These half-day workshops would be conducted on all weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) at specified timings starting from Saturday the 26th of June and concluding on 29th of August.

    The workshops have been designed to set up a conversation between experience and youth. It will have senior scholars working in a field elaborating on questions on which research could and should be undertaken. Registered scholars could then engage with the expert on the proffered suggestions. These dialogues, it is hoped, would cultivate knowledge on how to seek out research-worthy questions and occasionally even provide a field or topic of research to both the registrants and the expert. These workshops are being scheduled in established and emerging areas of law, social sciences and management.

    The first set of workshops have been scheduled from 26th June to 18th July and are being offered free of any charge by the university as part of its mission to promote and support quality research in law, social sciences and management. In order to enhance the effectiveness of interaction, the University may register no more than 50 scholars for each workshop. Interested scholars are advised to register early stating in no more than 250 words why the workshop would be meaningful for them. In case of an overrun the statements will be relied upon to make the final selection.

    The schedule for the first half of this enterprise is as follows:

    S. No.




    Registration Form Link


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