Faculty Research Incentive Scheme on Teachers' Day at RGNUL


7 Sept 2021 11:37 AM IST

  • Faculty Research Incentive Scheme on Teachers Day at RGNUL

    Teachers' Day was celebrated at RGNUL to commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, former president of India. While addressing the faculty, Prof. G.S. Bajpai, Vice-Chancellor, RGNUL deliberated on the importance of emancipatory education. "A teacher has to evolve, explore potential, generate alternative ideas and create turbulence in the minds of students to dispel darkness and ignorance," he observed. Citing Lord Buddha, Chanakya and great philosophers, Prof. Bajpai reminded the teachers of their significant role in elevating minds and ushering changes in the decadent order. "Every challenge and malady pervading the educational system can be efficiently encountered by teachers," he said. Prof. Bajpai announced Faculty Research Incentive Scheme on this occasion. He said that the scheme would promote academics and research. To incentivize faculty publication in Scopus indexed journals, Prof. Bajpai declared an award of Rs.21000/- . He apprised the faculty that RGNUL would be editing/ publishing UGC CARE listed CCV journal. He also eulogised the diligence and commitment of RGNUL faculty.

    Prof. Naresh Kumar Vats, Registrar, RGNUL paid a tribute to Dr. S. Radhakrishnan. He exhorted the faculty to deploy innovative pedagogy while teaching students. He encouraged teachers to contribute to excellence in academics.

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