Chennai Law College Team Comes Second At National Moot Court Competition
Aseer Jamal
12 April 2021 3:00 PM IST

A team from Bharath Institute of Law, Chennai, was adjudged the Runner Up in the Col Dr Jeppiaar All India Virtual Moot Court Competition, 2021, organised by Sathyabama School of Law.
Vidya Pinto was adjudged the Best Student Advocate (Female). Vidya Pinto and B. Yazhini both final year students, assisted by researcher J.Jebisha represented the college at the final round against Symbiosis School of Law, Pune.
The Competition was adjudged by Justice C.T.Selvam (Retd) and Justice S. Jagadeesan (Retd) of the Madras High Court & Dr.A.David Ambrose, Former HOD of Legal Studies, Madras University.
28 teams from across the country participated in the competition that was held on 9th and 10th April 2021. Cash prizes have been awarded to the winners.
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