Rizvi Law College: 11 RLC Saquib Rizvi Memorial National Moot Court Competition 2023


22 Feb 2023 5:30 PM

  • Rizvi Law College: 11 RLC Saquib Rizvi Memorial National Moot Court Competition 2023

    About Rizvi Law College:

    In the city of Mumbai, Rizvi Law College is a renowned law school. Since its founding in 2002, the institution has established a reputation as a top choice for young people who want to study law methodically, creatively, and in a setting that encourages them to develop their full potential. Our students have the chance to interact with everyone from Justices of the Supreme Court of India and the High Court of Bombay to Professors from law schools in India and overseas, Attorneys from India and abroad, and visiting Diplomats. Rizvi Law College is also affiliated with the Bar Council of India and the University of Mumbai.

    About The Event:

    The 11 RLC Saquib Rizvi Memorial National Moot Court Competition 2023 is held and administered by Rizvi Law College, Mumbai with the aid of the Students Bar Forum and the Moot Court Committee. The Competition is to be held from 24 March, 2023 Friday till 26 March, 2023 Sunday at the campus of Rizvi Law College, Mumbai.

    Theme of the competition:
    This year’s moot problem invites teams to explore the legal intrcacies of the criminal law.The problem is also formulated to test the teams’ abilities to extract, analyze, and present relevant facts from the collection of facts and statements. The competition shall witness the presence of criminal law experts, lawyers, judges and other legal luminaries during the competition dates.

    Eligibility and Team Composition:

    Students duly enrolled and pursuing full-time 5 years or 3 years undergraduate law course may apply to participate in the given 'Competition'. Students enrolled and pursuing post-graduate diploma or short-term certificate courses in aw are not eligible to apply. A team may consist of either two (2) or three (3) members. A team of two members shall include two speakers only and one of them shall act as a researcher for the purposes of the Researcher's Test. A team of three members shall include two speakers and one researcher reserved for the student participants. All members of a team should belong to the same institution. Any person, other than the registered team members, is not eligible to avail facilities

    How to Register:

    Each institution must first, provisionally register itself for the Competition by sending the Official Provisional Registration mail to rlcnationals2023@gmail.com on or before 28 February, 2023 with the subject 'NAME OF INSTITUTION-PROVISIONAL REGISTARTION FOR RLC MOOTCOURTCOMPETION 2023'. Only upon the confirmation of the provisional registration the team shall register for the competition by filing and uploading the following documents on the Google Form Link sent to them via email after the provisional registration. The documents to be filled and uploaded are as follows: Registration form, Receipt/Screenshot of payment, Accommodation Form (if opted for same)

    Note: The hard copies of the Registration form and Accommodation form are to be sent along with the Hard Copies of the Memorials. On confirmation of provisional registration, the team shall make a payment of Rs. 5000/-. On receiving the participation, the registration of first 18 teams will be allowed to participate in the Competition on First Come - First serve basis. The same will be notified to the respective teams through electronic mail.


    The winning team of the 11th RLC Saquib Rizvi Memorial National Moot Court Competition will be awarded a trophy, and a cash prize of Rs. 40,000/- (Rupees Forty Thousand Only).

    The Runners up team for the 11th RLC Saquib Rizvi Memorial National Moot Court Competition will be awarded a trophy and a cash prize of Rs. 20, 000/- (Rupees Twenty Thousand Only).

    The Best Speaker prize will be awarded to the participant who has performed best during her/his oral presentations. The Best Speaker will be awarded a trophy and a cash prize of Rs. 10, 000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand Only).

    There will be a Best Researcher prize, based on the researcher's test, and will be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 10, 000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand Only).

    Each participant will be given a certificate of participation.

    The coaches and advisors of the participating teams will not be entitled to receive any kind of

    certificate or award.

    Important Dates:

    Last Date for the Registration of Moot- 28 February, 2023

    Last Date for seeking Clarifications- 05 March, 2023

    Last Date for Memorial Submission (Soft Copy)- 17 March, 2023

    Last Date for Memorial Submission (Hard Copy)- 20 March, 2023

    Inauguration & Researchers Test- 24 March, 2023

    Preliminary Rounds & Semi-Final Rounds- 25 March, 2023

    Final Round & Valedictory Ceremony- 26 March, 2023

    In case of any queries regarding the competition please contact-

    Mail: - rlcnationals2023@gmail.com

    Hrishikesh Nabar – 9920148776 (President, Moot Court Committee)

    Anushka Parab - 8356826950

    Edala Khalife – 8655344661 (Vice President, Moot Court Committee)

    For brochure click here.

    For moot problem click here.

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