Legal Zems: 4th National Virtual Moot Court Competition 2025
11 Feb 2025 7:09 AM

Legal Zems is organizing its 4th National Virtual Moot Court Competition, 2025, aimed at simulating court proceedings, including drafting briefs and presenting oral arguments. This initiative seeks to provide law students with first-hand exposure to the Indian judicial system, enhancing their advocacy skills while offering practical training in legal research, persuasive argumentation, and jurisprudential development. By engaging with emerging socio-legal issues, participants will gain invaluable experience in tackling contemporary legal challenges with a professional and analytical approach.
4th National Virtual Moot Court Competition, 2025 shall be held virtually from 21st to 24th March, 2025. The dress code for this competition shall be as per Advocate Act, 1961.
The competition shall be in English language.
The competition is open for students who are pursuing LLB three year/five- year course during the current academic year.
A. Each team should consist of 3 members. This number cannot be modified under any circumstances.
B. There shall be 2 speakers and 1 researcher designated for each team. The researcher shall be allowed to argue with prior permission of the court and National Convener in case of illness of the designated speakers.
C. Teams should not disclose the identity of their institution; such disclosure shall invite penalties including disqualification. The decision for the same shall be at the discretion of the National Convener.
A. Online registrations are open from 06th February, 2025. The registration fee for team (3 Members) is Rs. 4000/- only (Non-Refundable under any Circumstances). Refer Clause XIX for Payment Details. The last date for registration is 12th February, 2025. Registration form link for the same is given below:
B. For the purpose of having an efficient competition, there is a capping of only 30 teams on first-come-first-serve basis who shall participate in this competition. There is no cap on no. of teams from any college or university.
C. The Registration shall be deemed complete only when the Registration fee has been remitted successfully and the Registration form & Undertaking is duly filled & Undertaking Submitted to with Subject Undertaking Form. For undertaking form both hard Copy or Soft Copy (can be download from ( ) Options are available.
D. Once the application form is filled & Undertaking Submitted; the OC shall send a confirmation mail to the teams within 48-72 hours of registration.
E. The registered participants will receive a team code, within 5-7 days from the last date of registration, which will function as their identity for submission of the memorials.
F. The teams will quote the Team Code once allotted, for any further communications with the OC.
There will be two preliminary rounds, a quarterfinal, a semi-final and a final round which will be conducted virtually.
A. Preliminary Round/ Quarter-final Round
I. There will be two preliminary rounds of arguments per team, once for applicant & another for respondent.
II. No team will face each other more than once in the preliminary rounds.
III. Each team will face a different bench in their second round of arguments.
IV. Preliminary-I will be held on 21st March 2025 & Preliminary- II will be held on 22nd March 2025, Quarter-Final will be held on 23rd March, 2025.
V. The top eight teams from Preliminary Rounds will qualify for the Quarterfinals.
VI. Quarter- Final & Semi-finals will be knockout round.
VII. In case of TIE in Preliminary Round researcher test marks shall be considered.
B. Semi-Final Round
I. The Semi-Final Rounds will be held on 23rd March, 2025 and will be knockout rounds. The pairing of Teams for the Semi-Final Rounds shall be done by a draw of lots / power matchups.
C. Final Round & Valedictory Ceremony
I. The Final Rounds will be held on 24th March, 2025 and it will be a knockout round. The Valedictory Ceremony will be held on 25th March, 2025. The pairing of Teams for the Final Rounds shall be done by a draw of lots / power matchups.
D. Results (Announcement)
Final Results will be announced after the completion of the preliminary/ quarter/ semi-final & final rounds. The Final result and the winners of the various categories will be announced only during the valediction/ prize distribution ceremony. During the Competition only qualifying team will able to know that they are qualified. The detailed marks will be announced after valedictory ceremony.
a. The rounds will be conducted via ZOOM. All teams are requested to download Google Meet app on their laptops/phones beforehand.
b. Participants have to ensure high speed 5G/4G internet connection with good audio and video facilities. It is advisable to the participants to use laptops or PC for the oral rounds.
c. The background of the participants should be preferably plain. The background / surroundings of the participants should not be or project either through signage, colour, logo, emblem, infrastructure or any other form of display which would reveal the identity of the participants and/Or the institution they represent.
d. Utmost care to be taken as regards to external sound or noise while the proceedings are on. During the oral round proceedings ensure that the same is conducted from a noise free room.
e. At the time when the other participant is speaking, you are expected to keep your mic mute. In case a participant is found disturbing the other pleader anyway, he/she may be disqualified.
A. Each Team participating in the Competition must prepare a memorandum on behalf of the Prosecutor/Applicant and on the behalf of the Defendant/Respondent.
B. Each team must send its memoranda via e-mail to the Legal Zems at on or before by 17th March, 2025 by 23:59 hours IST. Please note that NO HARD COPIES ARE TO BE SUBMITTED.
C. Any memorial submitted after the deadline is subject to penalty for late submission. Once the soft copy of the memorials has been submitted, no revisions, supplements, or additions will be allowed.
D. The Memorial must contain the following parts only:
i. The Cover Page (not Exceeding 1 page)
ii. Table of Contents (not Exceeding 2 page)
iii. List of Abbreviations
iv. Index of Authorities / Table of Cases
v. Statement of Jurisdiction
vi. Statement of Facts (not exceeding 2 page)
vii. Statement of Issues (not exceeding 1 page)
viii. Summary of Arguments (not exceeding 3 page)
ix. Arguments Advanced/Detailed Arguments. (not exceeding 15 Page)
x. Prayer (not exceeding 1 page)
NOTE: The Table of Contents must be hyperlinked for the ready reference of the Judges.
E. The Cover page shall include:
i. The Name of the Court
ii. The Year of the Competition
iii. The Name of the Case
iv. The Name of the parties
v. Team Code to be indicated at the top left corner in bold. (For example – LZ-P011 and LZ-R011) which shall be intimated to the respective teams.
vi. The title of the Document (i.e. “Memorial for Petitioner” or “Memorial for Respondent”)
F. The Arguments should not exceed 15 numbers of pages. However, the total number of pages of the memorial shall be limited to 40 pages including cover page.
G. All the pages of the memorial should have page numbers at the bottom right corner.
H. The appellant's memorial should have Blue cover page and the respondent's memorial should have Red Cover Page.
I. The teams should use the 20th Blue Book edition for footnotes throughout the Memorial.
J. Formatting Specifications:
For Main Text:
a) Font type: Times New Roman
b) Font size: 12
c) Line spacing: 1.5
d) Body of text: Justified
For Foot note:
a) Font type: Times New Roman
b) Font size: 10
c) Line spacing: 1.5
d) Body of text: Justified
For Heading:
a) Font type: Times New Roman
b) Font size: 14
For Cover Page:
a) Font type: Times New Roman
b) Font size: 16
K. Submission of soft copies of the Memorial(s) after the specified deadlines shall result in deduction of 10 marks every day.
L. The contents of the memorial should not be plagiarized (35% limit) or else it will amount to total deduction of memorial marks or disqualification. The decision of the organizers shall be final.
M. The identity of the institution shall not be revealed anywhere in the memorial. Violation of this provision shall result in penalties including disqualification. The National Conveners decision shall be final.
N. The teams may submit a separate compendium, which will carry all the annexure and case laws that have been referred to in the memorial. The compendium will have a white cover. The teams will retain them and may present them, through the Researchers, to the judges during the rounds through screen sharing. Any identifying marks/seal of the college shall attract severe penalties including disqualification. The compendium will have to take care of this requirement.
Preliminary Round & Quarterfinals
a. Each team will get a total of 35+10 minutes to present their case. This includes time for rebuttals.
b. The division of time is at the discretion of the team members, subject to a minimum of 15 minutes per speaker. Division of time shall be informed to the court officer/moderator before arguments begin.
c. The researcher shall sit with the speakers at the time of the orals.
d. No extension of time will be allowed.
e. The dress code for all the rounds of competition shall be as per Bar Council of India rules for advocates.
Semi-final Rounds
a. Each team will get a total of 55 minutes to present their case. Further 10 minutes for rebuttal and sur-rebuttal. (Total time for each team = 55+10 Minutes)
b. The division of time is at the discretion of the team members, subject to a minimum of 20 minutes per speaker. Division of time shall be informed to the court officer/ moderator before arguments begin.
Final Rounds
a. Each team will get a total of 60 minutes to present their case. Further 10 minutes for rebuttal and sur-rebuttal. (Total time for each team = 60 +10)
b. The division of time is at the discretion of the team members, subject to a minimum of 25 minutes per speaker. Division of time shall be informed to the court officer/ moderator before arguments begin.
Teams will not be allowed to observe the oral rounds of any other teams. Scouting is strictly prohibited. Scouting by any of the team members shall result in disqualification.
The maximum score for the memorial shall be 100 marks. The criteria for evaluating the Memorial is as follows:-
- Knowledge of Law and facts: 20 Marks
- Analysis and Interpretation: 20 Marks
- Use of Research: 20 Marks
- Organized Manner and Clarity: 20 Marks
-Grammar and Style: 20 Marks
-Vocabulary Skills and Speaking skills: 20 Marks
-Court Ethics and time management: 20 Marks
-Ingenuity and Ability to Answer Questions: 20 Marks
-Application of law: 20 Marks
-Knowledge of Law and Moot Problem: 20 Marks
Note: Non- compliance of the rules mentioned in Clause IX above shall attract severe penalties.
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to modify rules and guidelines at any time without prior notice to participants. The organizers shall not be held responsible for any loss or slow internet connection during the competition. Participants are advised to ensure a stable internet connection.
1. Winner Team: Rs. 5100/- (Five Thousand One Hundred Only) along with Certificate of Merit (Hard & Soft Copy) & Trophy
2. Runner up Team: Rs. 4100/- (Four Thousand One Hundred Only) along with Certificate of Merit (Hard & Soft Copy) & Trophy
3. Best Advocate: Rs.2100/- (Two Thousand Only Hundred Only) along with Certificate of Merit (Hard & Soft Copy) & Trophy
4. Best Memorial: Rs.2100/- (Two Thousand Only Hundred Only) along with Certificate of Merit (Hard & Soft Copy) & Trophy
5. Best Researcher: Rs.2100/- (Two Thousand Only Hundred Only) along with Certificate of Merit (Hard & Soft Copy) & Trophy
6. CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION: Certificate of participation (Soft Copy Only) shall be provided to all the participants who will be submitting the memorial.
Note: - Courier charges shall be applied.
a. Student counsel may introduce herself/ himself to the court through their Team Codes and side represented. However, the team's college/ institution affiliation may not be mentioned at any time before the awards ceremony.
b. Further, all team members, coaches, advisors, and observers shall refrain from identifying a team's school at any time and in any manner, including, but not limited to, wearing any identifying items, such as school clothing, ties, patches, or pins or carrying identifying material (such as a books with a college logo, or college seal).
Decision of the Judges will be final.
a. The Researcher's Test shall be conducted on 20th March, 2025 via online mode.
b. The Researcher's Test shall be in the format of Multiple with the questions based on the Criminal law & facts pertaining to the Moot Preposition.
c. Participation in the Researcher's Test is mandatory for all the Teams and failure to participate may result in disqualification, subject to the discretion of the OC.
d. The duration of the Researcher's Test shall be 60 Minutes and only the researcher, as designated by the teams in the registration form shall write the test. Total Marks of Researcher Test shall be 100.
e. The Researcher Test consist 100 Marks of MCQ (1 marks Each) There shall be NO negative Marking.
e. The participant shall ensure complete integrity and shall not resort to unfair means while attempting the test. Any such attempt shall result in disqualification.
a. The copyright over the memorials submitted for participation in the competition is assigned by participants and shall also vest completely and fully in Legal Zems. The participants shall certify in writing the originality of materials contained therein and shall be responsible for any claim or dispute arising out of the further use and exhibition of these materials.
b. Further use and exhibition of these materials, electronically or otherwise, shall be the exclusive right of Legal Zems and they shall not be responsible for any liability to any person for any loss caused by errors or omissions in this collection of information, or for the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained in these materials.
c. Distribution of these materials on affiliated websites such as does not constitute consent to any use of this material for commercial redistribution either via the Internet or using some other form of hypertext distribution. Links to the collection or individual pages in it are welcome.
1. WhatsApp on 8376951009 or 9891348721 (Call only in case of emergency).
2. Email Id: -
1. Phone pay/ Google Pay/ Paytm: 9891348721 (Prashant Kumar or Prashant Mishra)
Note: - Take a Screenshot after successful transaction.
Last day of registration 12/03/2025
Memorial Submission 17/03/2025
Clarifications 19/03/2025
Researcher Test 20/03/2025
Preliminary Round-1 21/03/2025
Preliminary Round-2 22/03/2025
Quarter Final and Semi-Final Round 23/03/2025
Final Round 24/03/2025
Valedictory Ceremony 25/03/2025