9th International Moot Court Competition, 2023 By VIPS, New Delhi [Prize Rs 25K++; Hybrid Mode][Register By Sept 25th]
9 Sept 2023 7:25 PM
![9th International Moot Court Competition, 2023 By VIPS, New Delhi [Prize Rs 25K++; Hybrid Mode][Register By Sept 25th] 9th International Moot Court Competition, 2023 By VIPS, New Delhi [Prize Rs 25K++; Hybrid Mode][Register By Sept 25th]](https://www.livelaw.in/h-upload/2023/09/18/750x450_493069-untitled-design-2023-09-18t125149508.webp)
Advocates’ Legion, Moot Court Committee, Vivekananda School of Law and Legal Studies, Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies-Technical Campus, New Delhi (VSLLS, VIPS-TC), proudly announces the 9th edition of its International Moot Court Competition, 2023. This year, the problem covers international human rights law, private military companies, and State Responsibility. The event will take place in a hybrid manner, with the preliminary rounds being held online and the quarter-finals and onwards on our campus in New Delhi. LiveLaw is the Media Partner of this year's VIPS IMC, and EBC and SCC Online are the knowledge partners. You are invited to participate in this year’s flagship event of our Moot Court Society!
About the Organization
Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies – Technical Campus (VIPS-TC) is in Pitampura, New Delhi, India. It is affiliated with Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU). The institute admits students in different schools based on their performance in the IPU common entrance test for the respective course. NAAC has accredited VIPS-TC as an A++ institute and recently, VSLLS has been graded as a top eminent law school by Competition Success Review.
Structure of the Competition
- Preliminary Round: September 29-30, 2023 (Online)
- Quarter Final Round: November 04, 2023 (On-site)
- Semi-Final Round & Final Round: November 05, 2023 (On-site)
- Valedictory Ceremony: November 05, 2023 (On-site)
Submission Guidelines
- All teams shall send the soft copy of the Written Submission for each side in PDF format via electronic mail with the file name “TC No. Petitioner/Respondent” to vipsimc2023@gmail.com.
- Each team is required to prepare a Written Submission for both the Petitioner/Appellant (as the case may be) and Respondent.
- The Written submission shall consist of the following mandatory contents:
- Cover Page (Blue for Petitioner/Appellant, Red for Respondent): Name of the Court, Petition/Appeal Number (if any), Name of both the Parties, Cause Title, Written Submission for Petitioner/Appellant or Respondent, Team Code in bold on top right corner
- Table of Contents
- Index of Authorities
- Statement of Jurisdiction
- Statement of Facts
- Statement of Issues
- Legal Pleadings
- Prayer
Formatting Guidelines
- The Written Submission should not exceed the maximum limit of 25 Pages (excluding the Cover Page and Table of Contents).
- Font type: Times New Roman Font size:12
- Line spacing: 1.5
- Body of text: Justified
- Margin: at least 1 inch from all sides
Teams shall follow a uniform style of citation (preferably the Bluebook Method of Citation- 20th/ 21st edition) throughout their Written Submissions. Footnotes must conform to the following specifications- - Font type: Times New Roman
- Font size: 10
- Line spacing: 1
- Body of text: Justified
Registration Details
- Interested candidates can register through the link given below.
- Registration Fee: Rs 4,500/- per team.
- Payment Link: https://forms.eduqfix.com/eventfee/add
- We recommend that participants refer to the Brochure for any further information.
Important Dates
- Registration Commences: August 18, 2023
- Last date to Register: September 25, 2023
- Last date for Clarification: September 12, 2023
- Last date for Memorial Submission: September 25, 2023
Prizes and Goodies
Best Team - Rs. 25,000 award money and Winner’s Trophy and one-year subscription to EBC Learning worth Rs. 14,500
Runners-up - Rs. 15,000 award money and Runner’s up Trophy and one-year subscription to EBC Learning worth Rs. 14,500
Best Speaker -Rs. 7,500 award money and Trophy and one-year subscription to EBC Learning
Best Memorial -Rs. 7,500 award money and Trophy
Apart from this, one month access to the SCC Online Web Edition worth Rs, 1099, alongwith a one hour online training session shall be given to all participants!
Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies – Technical Campus, Pitampura, New Delhi
Contact Information
In case of queries, please contact:
- Mr. Aaditya Vikram Sharma: aaditya.sharma@vips.edu
- Ms. Kashish Gulati: kashishgulati.03@gmail.com
- Ms. Arshia Jain: arru01jain@gmail.com
- Mr. Hardik Giri: hardikgiri@gmail.com
- Email at: vipsimc2023@gmail.com or Call: +91-9599422383
For further information, visit https://tinyurl.com/33m738zx.