HNLU Exchange Academy (HEXA) International Lecture Series: Inaugural lecture On 27th of August, 2022


26 Aug 2022 10:34 AM IST

  • HNLU Exchange Academy (HEXA) International Lecture Series: Inaugural lecture On 27th of August, 2022

    The HNLU Exchange Academy (HEXA)is conceptualized with an aim to build partnership with Universities/Institutions/organisations within India and internationally for academic colloboation of teaching, research and advocacy. The Academy will facilitate exchange programmes for faculty, students and research scholars on areas of mutual interest and strengths.

    HEXA will strengthen National and International cooperation for better understanding of legal and related interface of public policy. The Academy is in the process of identifying partnerships and aims for a vibrant exchange of ideas.

    HEXA International Talk Series is designed to invite scholars and public policy wornks to deliver lectures and interact in offline/online mode every month. Prof.V.C.Vivekanandan, Vice Chancellor of HNLU said , "The launch of HEXA and the International Talk Series as a segment of the Academy will give a platform for Indian and International understanding of Global issues"

    The Inagural lecture in the Talk series will be delivered by Prof.(Dr.) Philippe Cullet, School of Law, University of London on Why Sustainability matters for our better future on 27th of August, 2022, 11-12 PM. Dr Philippe Cullet is Professor of international and environmental law at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) London.He is also a Senior Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Policy Research in New Delhi. In 2015-2017, he was a member of the committee of the Government of India's Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation drafting the Draft National Water Framework Bill, 2016 and the Groundwater (Sustainable Management) Bill, 2017 He is currently working on septage management, water ATMs and farmers' rights.

    The lecture is open to the public through WebEX platform and the details can be scanned through the QR Code given

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