PG Diploma In IPR By GNLU Centre For IPR In Collaboration With GUJCOST, SSIP And i-Hub
Aseer Jamal
30 Jan 2021 2:56 AM

The GNLU Law Review
The GNLU Centre for IPR in collaboration with Gujarat Council on Science and Technology (GUJCOST), SSIP (Student Start-Up and Innovation Policy) and i-Hub (Gujarat Student Start-Up and Innovation Hub) is introducing PG Diploma in IPR.
About the Course
The diploma course is designed to impart knowledge in the field of intellectual property law with a nuanced understanding of the content and structure of the laws protecting various types of intellectual property. This programme is aimed to create a strong foundation on the multifaceted role IP laws play in various fields. Further, the programme is conceived with an objective to examine all aspects of the Indian legal framework on Intellectual Property Rights focusing particularly on fundamental principles and application of the same to new technologies.
Divided into two semesters, the course will begin with a general introduction to the Indian legal system and proceed with detailed coverage of various laws under the IP umbrella.
For further details on the Course, click here.
For Brochure, click here