Jurisedge Academy: 3- Day Workshop Themed As "Growth-Hack Your Legal Career: Learn And Earn" [7th Jan To 9th Jan, 2022] [Register Now]
31 Dec 2021 7:41 AM
![Jurisedge Academy: 3- Day Workshop Themed As Growth-Hack Your Legal Career: Learn And Earn [7th Jan To 9th Jan, 2022] [Register Now] Jurisedge Academy: 3- Day Workshop Themed As Growth-Hack Your Legal Career: Learn And Earn [7th Jan To 9th Jan, 2022] [Register Now]](https://www.livelaw.in/h-upload/2021/12/31/750x450_406837-123456789.jpg)
Jurisedge Academy is organizing a Career workshop themed as: Growth-hack your legal career: "Learn and earn", thereby providing you basic understanding on learning and earning opportunities in legal profession from 7th January to 9th January 2022.
About Jurisedge Academy:
Jurisedge Academy aims at providing the comprehensive online programme for the CLAT PG, LL.M. exams, UGC-NET and allied exams. Jurisedge Academy strives to prepare all students for competitive exams and coach them for choosing their career!
About the Workshop:
The workshop aims to guide law students regarding the learning options available after LL.B. completion. Along with this, the workshop will also address the earning opportunities if you are pursuing LL.B./LL.M./Ph.D. There will be attempt made to unfold the lesser-known options through which you can elevate your career.
To explore the varied career options in legal profession in today's scenario, the Jurisedge Academy is organizing a 3-day Online Workshop on Growth-hack your legal career: "Learn and earn" from 7th January to 9th January 2022.
The workshop will run for 3 consecutive days in which the themes will be:
Day 1: Learning options after LL.B.
Day 2: A roadmap for becoming an Academician/Researcher
Day 3: Know versatile career options in legal profession after LL.B. & LL.M.
Open for all law students
Please register with this given link:
There is no registration fees applicable
'Certificate of Participation' in e-form will be provided to all participants, who attend all three days of the workshop.
Other Information:
- The meeting link with the timings, will be sent to registered participants prior to workshop through email
- Questions will encouraged towards the end of session
- The meeting will be held on Zoom
Contact Information:
Feel free to contact for further queries:
Write us on: info@jurisedge.com
Call at: +91 9614994939