MNLU Mumbai: Veritas In Judicium -Verdict Drafting And Deliberation Competition


16 Sep 2024 7:29 AM GMT

  • MNLU Mumbai Virtual Summit | Gender | Data | Technology
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    The Literary and Debating Society (LDS), is a dynamic community of students which lies at the heart of Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai's intellectual landscape. Through engaging book clubs and spirited debates, LDS ignites a passion for literature and critical thinking among students. Committed to inclusivity, the society fosters an environment where diverse voices are celebrated and respected.

    Veritas In Judicium - Verdict Drafting & Deliberation Competition

    This competition is designed as a platform for legal minds to delve into the art of judicial reasoning and articulate the complexities of their observations and opinions in the form of legal adjudication. The competition aims to simulate the responsibilities and pressures faced by a judge by tasking the participants with the dual challenge of drafting a reasoned verdict as well as defending it with a differential analysis, on a given proposition. VERITAS IN JUDICIUM not only tests the participants' knowledge of the law but also their ability to present coherent, well-structured arguments under time constraints. The competition is structured in multiple rounds to gradually intensify the level of challenge, testing participants on various aspects of verdict deliberation and presentation.


    • Winning Team: Rs. 15,000
    • Runner up: Rs. 10,000
    • Best Jurist – Rs. 7,000
    • Best Verdict – Rs. 8,000
    • All the participants shall receive online certificates of participation, post the completion of the competition.
    • All the semi-finalists shall also receive an online certificate of merit, for their performance.


    • Proposition Release: September 15, 2024
    • Deadline for Seeking Clarifications: September 20, 2024
    • Deadline for Registration: September 30, 2024
    • Written Verdict Submission: October 5, 2024
    • Preliminary & Quarterfinals Rounds: October 12, 2024
    • Semifinals & Grand Finale : October 13, 2024

    Team Composition

    Each team shall comprise two members, 2 participant judges


    The entire competition will be conducted in an Online Mode.


    Mixed Teams/ Cross Institution teams are allowed to participate. No prior permission from respective Society/Committee required for registration.

    Formatting Guidelines

    • Layout: A4 size
    • Font: Times New Roman, size 12
    • Line Spacing: 1.5
    • Justified
    • Cover page: Competition Name, Team Code, Court/ Tribunal, Case Nameï‚· Citations: 21st Bluebook Citation Style, Font: Times New Roman, Size 10, Line Spacing: 1
    • Quotations of 50 words or more in any part of the verdict shall be block quoted (i.e. right and left indented) and may be single-spaced.
    • The written submission must contain the following parts:

    1) Table of Contents

    2) Background .

    3) Issues

    4) Summary of the decision [of all issues raised]

    5) Decision

    6) Appendix [if necessary]

    • The appendix shall not exceed 5 pages and should follow the format of the rest of the written submission.
    • The verdict submission must not exceed 15 pages excluding the appendix.

    Submission Guidelines

    • The language to be used in written submissions is English.
    • Each Team shall be assigned a Team Code. Teams shall always use their Team Codes for identification and submission purposes. Names of participants shall not appear on the Verdict. Signature pages should bear only the team code.
    • Participants should write a single opinion. Multiple opinions are not allowed.
    • Participants are expected to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity. Plagiarism, fabrication of facts, or any form of dishonesty will result in immediate disqualification.
    • Verdicts submitted after the deadline as designated shall be penalised with 5 (five) marks, for every delay of an hour, to a total cap of 30 marks.
    • Authors shall not disclose any information regarding their identity, including, but not limited to name, institutional assistance, professional details, etc., within the body of the manuscript. Non-adherence of this rule will lead to immediate disqualification.
    • Non-adherence to the objective marking criteria shall lead to a reduction in marks, as will be provided in the score sheet rubric that will be released to the participants later


    The registration fee for each team [of 2] for the Competition applicable to all invited universities/colleges shall be Rs. 3,500. Teams shall register by filling the Google form after the completion of the payment. The payment link can be found here.

    Rule-book and Proposition

    All the relevant documents pertinent to the Verdict Drafting and Deliberation Competition including the rule-book and the proposition after its scheduled release can be found here.

    Contact Us

    In case of any queries kindly reach out to

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