Lily Thomas's Essay Writing Competition 2022


2 Nov 2022 1:05 PM

  • Lily Thomass Essay Writing Competition 2022

    A tribute to the late advocate Lily Thomas, India's people's attorney and one of the pioneers in public interest litigation, the office of Lily Thomas and Saju Jakob, Advocates and Solicitors is organizing an article writing competition. This is part of the annual Memorial Lecture Series on Constitution, titled Lawyers as Inventors, held every year on December 12th at 4.15 Pm.

    'The Future of Truth and Freedom of Press in Today's Era' is the theme for the article writing competition this year.

    The competition will be open to law students, advocates, legal professionals, journalists and academicians. The last date of submission is now extended to 22nd November 2022 from 15th November due to the high volume of participants and requests in this regard.

    During the Memorial Lectures scheduled for 12th December 2022, the top three candidates will be given the opportunity to present their article, and each will be allocated two minutes for this purpose.

    The top three articles will be published on one of the leading legal magazines of India and also on the website of Lily Thomas and Saju Jakob, apart from various cash prizes.

    Winner: Rs 10,000 along with a Certificate of Appreciation.

    First Runner-up: Rs 5,000 along with a Certificate of Appreciation.

    Second Runner-up: Rs 3,000 along with a Certificate of Appreciation.

    The next seven participants will receive Rs 1,000 each and a Certificate of Appreciation.

    All other participants will be given a certificate of attendance, if they take part in the Memorial lecture on 12th December at 4.15 Pm. Results will be announced on December 12, 2022, in the Memorial Lecture and details will also be uploaded to the Website of Link of the memorial lectures will be uploaded on the Website also.


    Word limit: 1600-1800 words (excluding footnotes and abstract). No co-authorship is allowed. Multiple entries for the same author are not allowed.

    Article submissions should include the author's name, contact information, and current academic status (if applicable). Citations must be formatted according to the 19th edition of the Bluebook. The font size should be 12, Times New Roman, and the line spacing should be 1.5. All interested participants should submit their articles, along with abstracts, on or before November 22, 2022, by 23.45 hours. Essays should be sent to the office of Lily Thomas and Saju Jakob, Advocates and Solicitors, via email at Participants must send their personal/contact details. Any late submission will not be considered. Registration to the competition is free and open to all.

    Note the date:
    22nd November 2022 for the submission of articles
    12th December 2022 for the Memorial Lecture at 4.15 PM.
    Link will be sent to each candidate and will also be uploaded on the website of

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