Law Audience's 7th National Online Essay Writing Competition 2024


25 Jan 2024 6:00 AM

  • Law Audiences 7th National Online Essay Writing Competition 2024
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    Law Audience presents its 7th National Online Essay Writing Competition 2024. This online competition is open for all law students pursuing 3-years LL.B Course or 5-years LL.B Course or pursuing LL.M. LiveLaw is acting as a official media partner for the event and Trayambak Overseas Pvt Ltd is acting as a Sponsor for the event.

    No physical presence of the participants is required. Participants can write an essay on any given topic or on any topic related to the field of Law.

    Invest your precious time in this online competition and win some exciting prizes such as cash prizes, Internships, e-certificates of participation and free publications of selected essays in the online Law Audience Journal (e-ISSN: 2581-6705). For further details read the complete brochure carefully.

    Click Here for Official Notification:

    Click here to download:


    1. It Shall Be An Online Event.
    2. At Present Students/Participants Must Be Pursuing Bachelor's Degree In Law, i.e., 3-year LL.B. Course Or 5-year LL.B From Any Recognized College Or University Or Pursuing LL.M From Any Recognized University Or College;
    3. In One Team, Not More Than 2 Participants Are Allowed. But, However, Participants May Seek Individual Or Single Participation.
    4. In One Team, Participants From Different & Same Universities Or Schools Or Colleges Are Allowed.
    5. Students are required to upload their ID cards such as library card, identity card or any ID issued by your college/university, if not issued then submit a letter from your department's head stating that you're a student at their college/university (PDF File).


    1. The Impact of Cybersecurity Laws on Privacy Rights in the Digital Age.
    2. Examining the Legality and Ethics of AI in Legal Decision-Making.
    3. Challenges and Opportunities in International Environmental Law.
    4. The Role of Intellectual Property Laws in Fostering Innovation.
    5. Analyzing the Legal Implications of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology.
    6. Human Rights in the Age of Technological Advancements: Balancing Security and Liberty.
    7. Legal and Ethical Considerations in Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering.
    8. The Intersection of Social Media and Freedom of Speech: Legal Perspectives.
    9. Environmental Justice: Addressing Disparities in Environmental Law.
    10. Legal Implications of Climate Change: Responsibilities and Remedies.


    Write on any topic related to the discipline of Law


    1.) The Registration Fee is 200 RS for an Individual/Single Registration & 250 RS for a Team Registration.

    2.) Mode of Payment:

    1. GooglePay: 8351033361 or PhonePe: 8351033361 or

    UPI ID: varunjaswal.jaswal66@oksbi or Scan QR Code.

    3.) The participants must submit the duly filled Registration Form via Google Form after paying the registration fee(s) and attach the screenshot of the payment while filling up the Registration Form.

    4.) An acknowledgement will be auto generated after filling up the Registration Form. You'll receive a copy of your duly filled Registration Form. Check your email inbox including the Spam Folder.



    Submit your essay in MS Word File only via a Google Form. If we receive it through any other mode other than the Google Form, then it shall be disqualified. PDF Files are not allowed. The title or name of the MS Word File of the essay must be your Team Code. Mention your “Team Code” on the first page of the essay in the “MS Word File”.



    The Registration Fee is not refundable. It is refundable only if the competition gets cancelled due to any reason whatsoever.


    1. Word limit: Minimum 1500 words & Maximum 5000 words (Including foot notes).
    2. Format: MS Word File.
    3. Font Style: Times New Roman.
    4. Font Size: 12 for text, 14 for Headings, 10 for footnotes.
    5. Page Numbering: Bottom Center.
    6. Line Spacing: 1.5 for text and 1.0 for footnotes.
    7. Alignment: Justified and page layout must be A4 size.
    8. Margin: One inch each side.
    9. The citation methodology to be followed is Harvard Bluebook (19th Edition).

    10. All the write-ups must be plagiarism free (25% similarity is allowed with proper footnoting & references).

    11. All the write-ups must be original work of the Author(s) and must not be published anywhere else or must not be under consideration for publication anywhere else.


    Please do not mention your personal details such as your name, phone number, email address and other information of personal nature anywhere in the MS Word File. Non-compliance with the rules mentioned in the notification or brochure will result in disqualification of the essay.


    The decision of the jury or organizer shall be final and binding.


    There shall not be any separate marks sheet. The jury member or organizer shall read and examine your submitted essay and shall select the Winners accordingly. At the time of reviewing process, the jury member or organizer shall keep the following points in his/her mind quality or content of the essay, adherence to the submission guidelines and inclusion of the latest updates, etc.


    1st PRIZE:

    Certificate of Merit + Cash Prize of Rs 4000 + One Free Publication of 1000 rupees of selected essay in Vol. 5, Issue 4 of Law Audience Journal (e-ISSN: 2581-6705) + Certificate of Publication + An unpaid Internship opportunity at Trayambak Overseas Pvt Ltd.

    2nd PRIZE:

    Certificate of Merit + Cash Prize of Rs 3000 + One Free Publication of 1000 rupees of selected essay in Vol. 5, Issue 4 of Law Audience Journal (e-ISSN: 2581-6705) + Certificate of publication + An unpaid Internship opportunity at Trayambak Overseas Pvt Ltd.

    3rd PRIZE:

    Certificate of Merit + Cash Prize of Rs 2500 + One Free Publication of 1000 rupees of selected essay in Vol. 5, Issue 4 of Law Audience Journal (e-ISSN: 2581-6705) + Certificate of publication + An unpaid Internship opportunity at Trayambak Overseas Pvt Ltd.


    One Free Hard Copy of Law Audience Digest.

    An electronic copy of the Certificate of Participation will be emailed to all the registered participants after the successful declaration of the official result.

    Publication of selected essay means, publication of the essay submitted for this Competition. Essays selected for publication in the Law Audience Journal will have to sign a Copyright Agreement with the Law Audience Journal. Selected essays will be published in Vol. 5, Issue 4 within 1 month from the date of declaration of the result. Trayambak can enroll 3 interns each for the month of March, April and May 2024 (for winners only, not for complementary prize)

    Visit Law Audience Journal Using this Link:




    Date of Release of Official Notification:

    19th Jan 2024.

    Last Date for Registration:

    19th Feb 2024.

    Last Date for Clarifications & Allotment of Team Codes:

    21st Feb 2024.

    Last Date for Submission of MS Word File of Essay:

    15th March 2024

    Declaration of Result:

    5th April 2024


    Contact Person Name: Adv. Varun Kumar,

    Founder & Owner, Law Audience.

    Contact No: +91-8351033361 or 7018537723.

    Email ID: or

    Contact Timings: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

    Official Website:

    FOLLOW Law Audience:

    1. Facebook UserId: @lawaudience.

    2. Instagram UserId: @lawaudienceofficial.

    3. Twitter UserId: @audience_law.

    4. YouTube: LawAudience.

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