Symbiosis Law School Nagpur: Call for Papers- Journal of Women Law and Policy Volume II, Summer Issue (2022)


13 Jun 2022 5:29 AM

  • Symbiosis Law School Nagpur: Call for Papers- Journal of Women Law and Policy Volume II, Summer Issue (2022)

    About the Journal:

    Being the meeting point of all kinds of talent in the legal arena, Symbiosis Law School occupies a place of pride among the flagship institutions of the Symbiosis International University. Symbiosis Law School "epitomizes" excellence in legal education. It embodies the essence of 'Symbiosis' 'which means living together for mutual benefit'.

    Symbiosis, thus, has created a benchmark in the field of global education through its contribution to various educational, corporate, and legal sectors. It is continuously evolving and expanding beyond the home state borders, inculcating competencies for inclusivity, adaptability, and expertise for all those who wish to enrich themselves. SYMBIOSIS LAW SCHOOL, NAGPUR is one such endeavor of Symbiosis International (Deemed University), which began its travel to achieve its goal, of producing expert graduates and postgraduates in Law (B.A.L.L.B; B.B.A. L.L.B and L.L.M) laced with knowledge in philosophy and in business and to be one of the best Law colleges in the country, by providing a fertile ground to the students for being an efficient lawyer, a truly cosmopolitan and a responsible contributor to universal jurisprudence. Embarking on this journey through scholarly events like Multidisciplinary Conferences, International Seminars, Judges Lecture Series, and International Guest Lecture Series results in the promotion of research. Furthermore, producing reference books and journals of its own.

    The Journal of Women Law & Policy is a flagship biannual peer-reviewed journal of Symbiosis Law School Nagpur bearing ISSN: 2583-2883 (Online). The journal aims at publishing ground-breaking, multi-disciplinary scholarship on the impact of law on women's social, economic, and legal status. The Journal serves as an academic forum that law students and the academic and legal fraternity can utilize for the promotion and expansion of the legal scholarship into new areas of research and policy pertaining to women.

    Following the same, in each issue of the Journal of Women Law & Policy the articles, notes, case comments, and reviews enhance and maintain discourse on women's concerns. The Journal publishes articles by professors, judges, and practitioners. The Editorial Board of the Review requires the submissions to be strictly adhering to the theme of the journal and contributing to the discourse on areas of concern. A scrutinized editorial process is employed while editing each submission, irrespective of the author. An open column would be provided for our readers to raise contemporary issues that, in their opinion, warrant debate and deliberation.

    The Journal of Women Law & Policy wishes to promote and reflect the ideals and pillars of thought that accompanies Symbiosis International (Deemed University). It is yet another attempt to pay tribute to our motto "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam—the world is one family" as it aspires to bind as many law aspirants and legal minds in our common pursuit to objectively perceive the world in the perfect balance of scales.

    Call for papers:

    In this regard, the Journal of Women Law & Policy is inviting papers from academicians, lawyers, and students for its Volume 2, Summer Issue (2022).


    1. Research Paper: 3000-5000 words

    2. Article: 1500-3000 words

    3. Book Review: 1500-2000 words

    4. Short Note & Case Comments: 1000-1500 words

    Guidelines for Submission:

    1. All submissions are to be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 250 words and a minimum of 5 keywords.

    2. Submissions on any contemporary women law and policy issue will be accepted.

    3. The contributions submitted must neither have been previously published nor currently be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

    4. Co-authorship is allowed for a maximum of 2 authors.

    5. The first page of the manuscript must consist only of the name of the author(s), his/her institutional affiliation, and contact details.

    6. All submissions are to be sent as an MS Word document.

    7. Formatting: Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5-line spacing, and justified alignment.

    8. Footnotes: Times New Roman, font size 10.

    9. Citations must strictly conform to the standards laid down in Bluebook 21st edition.

    10. The body of the mail must specify the type of manuscript.

    11. Plagiarized work will not be entertained.


    There will be no publication charges for the publication and the journal will be published online in the month of August 2022.


    The submissions can be made at Email Id: latest by 10th July 2022

    Contact Information:

    In case of any query write us at .

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