Call For Proposals: Studies On The Effectiveness Of The CCI & NPPA

Aseer Jamal

15 Jan 2021 10:36 AM IST

  • Call For Proposals: Studies On The Effectiveness Of The CCI & NPPA

    Thakur Family Foundation (Foundation) is inviting proposals for grants to study the effectiveness of the CCI & NPPA.

    About the Foundation:

    Thakur Family Foundation is a Corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Connecticut, United States of America. One of its core activities is encouraging scholarship and promoting activities defined as scientific and educational within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, more specifically focusing on the promotion of Public Health.

    About the Grant:

    Thakur Family Foundation (Foundation) is inviting proposals for grants to study the following aspects of drug pricing in India:

    1. Has the CCI been effective in the investigations it has conducted thus far and the penalties it has imposed on erring firms found to be involved in cartelization in the sale of generic medicines?
    2. How effective is the NPPA? Does it have the requisite technical & human resources to enforce the DPCO? Does it have access to the information required for making pricing decisions in the interest of Public Health? How effectively has it been able to enforce its own orders? Should it be located within the Ministry of Health rather than in the Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers to encourage better coordination among other health regulators?

    Applications are invited to study one or both of these aforementioned topics.

    Grant Amount:

    The grants offered by the Foundation are typically in the range of USD 10,000 toward the fee/costs of researchers plus the cost of a conference with important stakeholders. The grant size is negotiable if the applicant makes a cogent case for the same and will be reviewed by the Advisory Board for Public Health.

    Application Process

    • The application process has three stages. Stage 1 is the submission of a proposal to the Foundation. Stage 2 is the screening and selection of applications for awards. Stage 3 is the notification of the award to the recipient and commencement of the project.
    • Applications are accepted only via the Foundation's website through the Grants page here
    • A jury of seasoned professionals drawn from public health, journalism, academia and the bureaucracy will review the applications and make the awards. Members of the jury and their respective background are available on the website. Applicants may be asked to refine their proposals post review should the jury consider it appropriate.
    • Once selected, grant recipients may be invited to attend an orientation/briefing to understand and familiarize themselves with the requirements of this assignment.

    Legal & Contractual:

    • The selected awardees shall execute a grant agreement with the Foundation prior to release of the grant.
    • Grant making policies governing these grants for Public Health are available for review on the Foundation's website here

    How to Apply

    • To apply, submit a completed application along with all the supporting documentation here latest by February 15, 2021 11:59 PM IST.
    • Applications are accepted only via the foundation's website. Applicants must complete their applications for grants on the prescribed form. This form becomes available once applicants register on the Foundation's website.
    • Once registered, applicants will be able to submit a brief proposal (no more than five pages, single-spaced), a resume or bio (no more than two pages, single-spaced that includes a list of most recent published work), and a work sample.

    Submission deadline:

    The deadline for submission of proposals is February 15, 2021.


    For questions or clarifications regarding the scope of this grant, please write to

    For the Brochure, click here

    For Website link, click here

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