RGNUL Punjab: International Conference On Ethics, Regulations, And Sustainability In AI [Submit Abstract By 15th January]
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![RGNUL Punjab: International Conference On Ethics, Regulations, And Sustainability In AI [Submit Abstract By 15th January] RGNUL Punjab: International Conference On Ethics, Regulations, And Sustainability In AI [Submit Abstract By 15th January]](https://www.livelaw.in/h-upload/images/750x450_rgnul-ll-size.jpg)
Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab is organizing the International Conference On Navigating The Future: Ethics, Regulations And Sustainability In The Age Of Artificial Intelligence In Collaboration with The Indian Society of International Law, New Delhi and All India Law Teachers Congress (AILTC) Organised by Centre for Advanced Studies in Cyber Law and Artificial Intelligence and Centre for Criminology, Criminal Justice and Victimology
Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab (RGNUL) is an autonomous National Law University (NLU) established by the RGNUL Act (No. 12 of 2006) passed by the Legislature of the State of Punjab, under the second wave of reforms instituted by the Bar Council of India. Established in 2006, RGNUL has garnered a pan-India reputation as a stellar legal research and education institution. In May 2015, RGNUL became the first and the only NLU to have been accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with an 'A' grade. In March 2018, RGNUL was amongst the four NLUs to have been granted autonomous status by the University Grants Commission. The University has been ranked among the top 10 law schools in India in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), by the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.
The Indian Society of International Law (ISIL) was founded in 1959 primarily due to efforts of late V.K. Krishna Menon and was formally inaugurated by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. The principal objective of the ISIL is to “foster nation wide, the study and development of International Law and to encourage the comparative study of the application of International Law in other States.” The ISIL organizes conferences and seminars on international legal issues of contemporary interest. Finally and equally important, it conducts and promotes independent research on issues of international law. The teaching wing of the ISIL- the Indian Academy of International Law & Diplomacy, runs post-graduate diploma courses in various branches of international law.
The All India Law Teachers Congress (AILTC) is dedicated to safeguarding and advancing the rights and interests of law teachers across India. Established 25 years ago, the AILTC has witnessed consistent growth in membership over the years. We take great pride and satisfaction in this expanding community, which reflects the unwavering support and commitment of our members. As a registered society, the AILTC comprises law teachers from universities and colleges across India. Its primary aims and objectives include promoting the advancement of legal education and the professional interests of law teachers. The AILTC actively organizes conferences, seminars, and discussions on various aspects of legal education.
Cyber law and Artificial Intelloigence (CASCA) strives to bridge the gap between technological advancements and legal frameworks, creating a comprehensive platform for scholars, practitioners, and students to engage with the pressing issues at the intersection of law and technology. The commitment to fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and promoting academic excellence positions it as a pivotal contributor to the development of effective regulatory policies that address the challenges of the digital era.
The Centre for Criminology, Criminal Justice and Victimology (CCV) has been set up at Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab for advanced research, training, policy analysis and consultancy in the areas concerning criminology, criminal justice and victimology. The Centre aims to assist and facilitate the law enforcement agencies, the bench, the bar and the academic institutions, by venturing into unexplored areas or lesser intruded aspects of the criminal justice administration. The manner in which a society administers its criminal justice, is reflective of its efficacy towards balancing the individual liberties and the community norms. With the world mutating at a swifter pace, the time has come where the bench needs the assistance, information and guidance, as they now have to adjudicate upon delicate questions of weighing individual rights against public rights. The role of the academic institutions, the Bar and the community is crucial and central in providing content and training for upgrading and updating the information regarding administration of criminal justice.
About The Conference
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing industries, reshaping norms, and impacting lives, but its rapid growth raises crucial ethical, regulatory, privacy and sustainability concerns. To address these, CASCA is hosting a conference on "Navigating the Future: Ethics, Regulations, and Sustainability in the Age of Artificial Intelligence," bringing together experts and stakeholders for a multidisciplinary dialogue on AI's societal impact.
Panel Discussion
The panel discussion, which shall be held in offline mode, will bring together leading experts from academia, industry, and policymaking to explore the interplay between ethics, regulations, and sustainability in AI. Panelists will share insights and present their papers on balancing innovation with accountability, addressing challenges like bias and privacy, and leveraging AI for sustainable growth while ensuring equitable societal impact. Attendance will be by invitation only.
Paper Presentation
The paper presentation session that shall be held in offline mode invites students, scholars and professionals to showcase their insights on AI's ethical, regulatory, and sustainability dimensions. Participants will present innovative ideas, critical analyses, and solutions addressing pressing challenges in AI development and deployment, fostering intellectual exchange and contributing to the broader discourse on responsible AI practices.
Key focus areas
Theme: navigating the future: ethics, regulations, and sustainability in the age of artificial intelligence
- Transparency and accountability in ai systems
- Ethical implications of ai
- Data privacy and security in the age of ai
- Global collaboration on ai regulation
- Ai and environmental sustainability
Kindly note, that the above sub-themes are non-exhaustive but suggestive in nature. The authors may submit papers on any topic aligned with the broad theme of “Navigating the Future: Ethics, Regulations, and Sustainability in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.” Innovative perspectives, including theoretical, empirical, or comparative studies, addressing novel issues, frameworks, or critical insights into the evolving insolvency landscape, are highly encouraged.
Submission Guidelines:
• CASCA invites submissions for paper presentations from law students, academicians, scholars, and legal professionals from India and abroad.
• The Review Process is double-blind and follows a thorough review to ensure that the finest manuscripts are called for paper presentation. All submissions should be in English only.
• Co-authorship is limited to a maximum of two authors. The initial call invites the submission of abstracts not exceeding 500 words.
• The word limit for the submission is 6000-10000 words (exclusive of abstract and footnotes).
• The formatting of the main text is to be in Times New Roman, with font size 12, 1.5 line spacing, and justified alignment.
• Footnoting for referencing should be in OSCOLA (4th Edition) citation style, Times New Roman, font size 10, single line spacing, and justified alignment. Speaking footnotes are not allowed. Submissions should demonstrate clarity of expression, relevance to current issues, and thorough research. Analytical content that provides concrete and practical suggestions is strongly encouraged over descriptive pieces offering generalized solutions.
• Plagiarism and the use of Artificial Intelligence tools are strictly prohibited. Manuscripts that are plagiarized or use artificial intelligence for the purpose of drafting will stand disqualified. The manuscript must not include the name(s) of the author(s) or their institution anywhere in the body. Separately attach a cover letter stating your name, affiliation, designation, mobile number, and email.
• Authors must not submit their manuscripts to any other platform during the review process.
Submission Guidelines
Copyright Policy
Upon selection for publication, the copyright of the manuscript will be transferred to the CASCA, RGNUL. However, all moral rights shall remain with the author(s).
Submission And Registration
- Authors must register and submit their manuscripts using the provided registration form before the deadline and abstracts/ manuscripts must be mailed at cascaconference@gmail.com Only one manuscript per author is allowed.
- Manuscripts should be submitted in .doc or .docx format.
Important dates
Date of Submission of Abstract: 15th January, 2025
Date of Acceptance of Submission: 18th January, 2025
Date for Registration and Payment: 30th January, 2025
Date of Conference: 15th February, 2025
Important links
Payment Link : https://lsacademia.in/lsa_rgnul/eventPortal/loginFrom.jsp
Registration Form: https://forms.gle/tDViabfjtq9w58sX8
Payment Details:
Industry Professionals: Rs 1500 +GST
Academics and Research Scholars: Rs 1000 + GST
Students (UG and PG): Rs 500 + GSTRs 1000 + GST
- Payment has to be made post the acceptance of abstracts.
- Co-authors have to register and pay the fees separately.
- No accommodation will be provided. No charges for accommodation to be paid.
- Meet the teamconference advisors
For more details, refer to the brochure here