Call For Blogs: MNLU Mumbai, The Law And Pop-Culture Forum


20 Oct 2023 5:40 AM

  • Call For Blogs: MNLU Mumbai, The Law And Pop-Culture Forum
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    The Law and Pop-Culture Forum was established in 2022 under the guidance of Prof. Adithya A. Variath as the Faculty-in-Charge. The Forum was set up with the objective to cover a surprisingly underexplored field in India – the intersection of law and pop culture. The Forum believes in the power of teaching the law while also being cognizant of the cultural relevance that the law holds – from comedy shows to crime thrillers and everything in between.


    Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai, was established under the Maharashtra National Law University Act 2014 on 20th March 2014, is one of the premier National Law Universities in India. The Act envisaged establishing a National Law University in Maharashtra to impart advanced legal education and promote society-oriented research in legal studies for the advancement of societal life of the people in the country.


    Submissions will be received on a rolling basis. To access the submission form, visit the website at

    1. Mode of Submission: All submissions shall be made by filling out the Google Form which can be accessed here. Submissions through email will not be considered.

    2. Deadline: Submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis.

    3. Authors: The Forum accepts submissions from both students and professionals.

    4. Co-authorship: The submissions can be co-authored by a maximum of two authors.

    5. Nature of Submissions: Submissions may be analytical or expository in nature, expressing opinions or critiquing contemporary or historical issues in popular culture and law. They also may be comparative in nature. The theme of the content should be at the intersection of law and popular culture. Submissions may be in the form of articles, short notes, book reviews, movie reviews, music album reviews, responses to an existing post on the Forum, or in any other form or manner that the Editorial Board deems appropriate.

    6. Plagiarism: The Forum permits a maximum similarity index of 15% and in no case shall a submission exceed this permissible limit. The submission should reflect the original work of the author and must not be published or accepted for publication anywhere else. Upon acceptance of the submission by the Board, the copyright over the manuscript is vested with the Forum.

    7. Word-Limit: The submissions shall ideally range between 1200 to 1500 words, exclusive of the endnotes and any explanatory notes. Submissions exceeding the word limit may be accepted if the Editorial Board deems it necessary in the light of the issue at hand.

    8. Document Format: All submissions shall be made in Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) format.

    9. Formatting: The submission should adhere to the following formatting style:

    • Font: Times New Roman
    • Font Size: 12;
    • Line spacing: 1.5;
    • Margin: 1 inch from all sides;
    • Alignment: Justified.

    10. Citations and Referencing: All relevant sources which are available as open source documents such as judgments, laws, reports, articles and other sources shall be provided as hyperlinks within the main text of the document itself. Social media posts are also accepted as citations, the link should be hypertexted. However, where a source is not available as an open-source document, the same shall be cited by providing an endnote instead of a footnote. All endnotes shall adhere to the uniform Bluebook 20th Edition or APA citation style (citation style must be consistent throughout). For Endnotes the following formatting style shall be adhered to: Font: Times New Roman; Font size: 10; Line spacing: 1 and Alignment: Justified.

    11. Anonymity: The author shall maintain anonymity throughout the article and shall not disclose his/her name, institution’s name or any other information that identifies the author in the file containing the article.

    12. Review Process: The Forum follows a Double blind two-tier process for the review of the manuscript.

    13. Timeline for Review: The Editorial Board shall respond to the authors with an acceptance/rejection/acceptance subject to modification within 15 days from the date of receipt of submission. The author/s then have to send the edited manuscript within 10 days if there are changes suggested by the editorial board.

    14. The Editorial Board reserves all rights relating to submissions.

    Contact Details:

    In case of any queries, reach out to:

    Pranati | Editor-in-Chief | | +91 91375 74284

    Ishika Mehta | Managing Editor | | +91 77384 96064

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