Call For Papers: International Symposium On Environment Justice & Sustainable Development Goals, GNLU

Manav Malhotra

16 Jan 2019 11:37 PM IST

  • Call For Papers: International Symposium On Environment Justice & Sustainable Development Goals, GNLU

    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are imbued with concern for environmental justice.Almost every goal - from ending poverty to combatting climate change to revitalizing global partnerships – is dependent on enhancing environmental justice. Goal 16, in particular, with itsemphasis on access to justice and effective, accountable and inclusive institutions, highlights the strong connections between sustainable development and environmental justice

    GNLU invite papers on one or more of the SDGs and various aspects of environmental justice, such as:

    • Procedural justice: Opportunities for participation in the political and legal processes that create and manage environmental policy, e.g., public interest litigation (PIL), community involvement in environmental impact assessment;
    • Distributive justice: Equity in the distribution of risks, benefits and costs of environmental decision making;
    • Recognitional justice: Recognition of the diversity of participants and experiences in affected communities, including non-human species and abiotic parts of the ecosphere; and
    • Restorative justice: Attempts made to mitigate or remediate adverse impacts on people and the environment, e.g., enforcement of licensing conditions, rehabilitation and resettlement policies.

    Sub Themes

    1. Use and abuse of the public interest litigation (PIL);
    2. Innovative policies and programs of the government or state for enhancing distributive justice;
    3. Legislative or policy analysis, including formulation, implementation or enforcement;
    4. Executive challenges for implementing court judgements;
    5. Progress and challenges for achieving sustainable development goals (SDG 16) related to environmental justice;
    6. Assessing international capacity building programmes;
    7. Empirical field-based case studies;
    8. Gender analysis of processes, institutions, and outcomes;
    9. Historical reviews of legislation, policy, institutions or jurisprudence;
    10. Institutional analysis of specialized green courts and environmental tribunals;
    11. Indigenous institutions and governance for environmental justice;
    12. Alternative dispute resolution systems for environmental conflicts;
    13. Monitoring SDG indicators for environmental justice; and
    14. Theoretical, conceptual and methodological aspects

    Submission Guidelines

    • All abstracts must be submitted by no later than February 8th 2019, at midnight (Indian Standard Time).

    • We do not anticipate an extension beyond that date and strongly encourage you to submit your abstracts well before the deadline!

    • Abstracts will be reviewed by a committee of interdisciplinary scholars in the order they are received. Based on the academic rigour, relevance to the conference theme, and innovativeness of the content, abstracts will be selected for the limited spots available for the presentation in the conference.

    • To facilitate early registration and travel planning, the decision notifications regarding acceptance of abstracts to authors will be sent by February 15th, 2019.

    • Abstracts must be submitted electronically by email to

    • Authors of accepted abstracts are invited to submit, by March 8th 2019, a full paper (maximum 5,000 words) that will be included in the conference materials.

    • A selection of these papers will be considered for inclusion in a peer-reviewed edited volume and a special issue of the GNLU Journal of Law Development and Politics.

    Important Dates

    1. Last date for submitting abstracts: 8th February 2019.
    2. Notification of acceptance of abstract: 15th February 2019.
    3. Last date for registration: 8th March 2019.

    For any queries Email at

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