Call For Papers: International Journal On Consumer Law And Practice By NLSIU, Volume VII

Manav Malhotra

14 March 2019 5:21 PM GMT

  • Call For Papers: International Journal On Consumer Law And Practice By NLSIU, Volume VII

    The Chair on Consumer Law and Practice, National Law School of Indian University, Bangalore is inviting contributions for International Journal on Consumer Law and Practice ISSN-2347-2731, Vol. VII, August 2019

    Who can apply?

    • Academicians, practitioners, students of law and allied fields

    Submission Categories

    • Articles and Research Papers (6,000-8,000 words inclusive of footnotes)
    • 2. Essay (3,000-4,000words inclusive of footnotes)
    • 3. A Note (2,500 words inclusive of footnotes)
    • 4. A Case Comment, Legislative Briefs (2,500-3,000words inclusive of footnotes )
    • 5. A Book Review ( 2,000 words inclusive of footnotes)

    Theme/topic: Consumer Protection Laws

    Sub Themes

    • International Consumer Protection
    • Framework & Policy
    • Empowering Consumers
    • Consumer Welfare Legislations
    • New Age Contemporary Issues & Challenges
    • Enforcement of Regulatory Authorities
    • Consumers in the Digital Era.
    • Consumer Protection and Mediation.

    Submission Guidelines

    • The cover letter should include:
      1. Title of the Paper;
      2. Abstract (not exceeding 250 words)
      3. Name of the Author;
      4. Designation;
      5. Institutional affiliation;
      6. Correspondence address.
    • Co-authored papers should give full details about all the authors;
    • All the received articles/research papers are subject to Plagiarism check.
    • The article should contain a disclaimer to the effect that the submitted paper is original and is not been published or under consideration for publication elsewhere.
    • All citations shall be placed in footnotes and shall be in accordance with Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA), 4th Ed.
    • All submissions will go through an initial round of review by the editorial board and the selected pieces will subsequently be sent for peer-review before finalisation for publication.
    • Deadline to submit is March 31, 2019.

    For any queries Email at

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