ILNU: National Conference On Contemporary Issues And Challenges In Labour And Industrial Laws [18th To 19th October]


11 Sep 2024 6:35 AM GMT

  • ILNU: National Conference On Contemporary Issues And Challenges In Labour And Industrial Laws [18th To 19th October]
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    Founded on the vision of Dr. Karsanbhai K. Patel, the Institute of Law, Nirma University (ILNU), established in 2007, focuses on bringing about a paradigm shift in the delivery of legal education in the country. It aims to add newer dimensions to legal education that would incorporate international standards and provide an environment for innovation and dynamic scholarship. Embodying the principles of justice, education, excellence, and professionalism, ILNU imparts quality legal education that has produced a new generation of lawyers, leaders, and policymakers over the years.

    The Institute of Law, Nirma University, Ahmedabad is organizing a National Conference on the theme "Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Labour and Industrial Laws” on October 18-19, 2024. Labour law is a crucial area with wide-reaching impacts on employers, employees, consumers, and the national economy. The advent of globalization, liberalization, and technological advancements, including AI and robotics, has brought new challenges, particularly for unskilled workers in developing countries like India. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated these issues, severely affecting migrant workers and daily wagers, with unemployment rates rising sharply. In response, India passed four new labour codes in 2019-2020 to simplify and rationalize existing laws, though these have not yet been implemented. Meanwhile, both central and state governments have initiated various administrative and e-governance measures to boost employment and ease of doing business, alongside significant developments in the judicial sphere. The conference aims to promote and brainstorm ideas as to how to maintain the balance between the interests of various stakeholders and players like employers, employees, and governments.

    The main thrust of the Conference will be to identify the contemporary legal issues involved in the area of labour and industrial laws to explore legal solutions for the same and chart out a roadmap of legal steps in resolving the various issues and challenges energy trilemma through legal means which is a major task before the international community in general and the developing countries including India, in particular.

    The Conference is planned to be a platform for the congregation of experts, managers, policymakers, academicians, students, and researchers to brainstorm and suggest ways to find viable and workable solutions for solving the contemporary challenges and issues relating to wages, social security, occupational safety.

    Theme: Contemporary Issues and challenges in labour and industrial laws.

    The following sub themes have been recognised for the conference and are merely indicative areas of consideration and the authors are free to delve into any subject matter of contemporary relevance under broad themes.

    1. Issues in Renumeration/ Wages of labour.

    2. Issues in Social Security Provisions of Labour

    3. Issues in Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions of Labour

    4. Issues in Industrial Relations

    5. The above-mentioned sub-themes are illustrative. Submissions on any other sub theme are welcome and will be accepted if they are related to the main theme of the conference.


    1. Under Graduate Students/ Post Graduate Students/ PhD Scholars

    2. Academicians

    3. Industry Experts

    4. Professionals

    5. Other Participants

    Submission Categories

    There are no separate submission categories as the same is a conference.

    Formatting And General Guidelines

    1. Submissions are expected to be an original work of authors and meet high academic standards. The following guidelines ought to be followed:

    • There must be an abstract (250 -300) words which briefly describes the idea behind the submission, its structure and the authors conclusion. It must include the novelty and usefulness of the idea that the author wishes to put forth and must categorically mention the specific contribution of the article beyond the existing available literature.
    • A submission will not be accepted if it has been plagiarized
    • Co authorship is permissible only up to a maximum of two authors
    • The citation style shall be bluebook 20 th edition
    • The decision of the screening committee regarding the selection of the the paper for the conference shall be final and binding
    • Upon selecting the abstract the participants shall register by paying the prescribed registration fee.

    2. The title must be in times new roman, font size 14, in capitals, bold, aligned centre

    3. Body of the manuscript should be in times new roman with font size 12 and 1.5 line spacing, automatic spacing between paragraphs and aligned justified

    4. A margin of 1 inch shall be left on all sides

    5. Each abstract shall be accompanied by 5 – 7 keywords

    6. The abstract shall be shared in pdf format with the file name [ Abstarct/final paper_name of authors NCIL]

    7. Each Abstract and Final Paper shall be accompanied by a cover letter mentioning the following details:

    • Name of authors
    • Designation of authors
    • Institutional affiliation of authors
    • Contact details of authors
    • Email ids of authors

    Submission Links:

    For Abstract submissions

    For Final Paper submissions

    Submission Deadline

    Abstract Submission Deadline : 15th September

    Final Paper Submission Deadline: 30th September

    Conference Date: 18th and 19th October

    For more details, please refer to the brochure


    Chairperson – Mr. Aditya Das (9163449702)

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