Call For Papers: Sharda University's Seminar On Gender-Based Violence [1st Nov]
aasavri Rai
9 Oct 2019 3:48 PM
School of Law, Sharda University is organising a seminar on Confronting Gender-Based Violence in the Contemporary World: Current and Emerging Issues.
Date of the Seminar: 1.11.2019
The organisers strongly encourage submissions from under-represented (such as ethnic minorities, multi-racial, transgender, differently-abled communities) population to put forward their experiences.
- Sexual violence as an act of war
- Laws to combat crimes like: domestic violence, female foeticide, dowry deaths
- Socio-cultural perceptions on gender violence
- The transgender experience with gender based violence
- The prison system and its promotion of gender violence
- Honour killings and other forms of caste-based violence against women
- Criminology and victimology of gender based violence
- Law and justice for acid attack survivors
- Cybercrimes targeted at women
- Sexual harassment and exploitation at workplace
- Role of technology in the prevention/commission of crime
- Experiences with the law enforcement (themes of vulnerability and marginalization in the narrative of female victims of crime or countering popular perceptions)
- The international response to gender violence
- Forced prostitution and trafficking of women and girl child
Note: Countering of popular or dominant myths is also promoted. The sub-themes are not mandatory, but the papers should not belie the theme of the seminar.
Submission Guidelines:
- Co-authorship is permitted to a maximum of two authors. However, both authors have to register separately.
- The abstract shall not exceed a maximum of 250-300 words. Full paper must be of 2500-4000 words (exclusive of footnotes/endnotes/bibliography).
- Format: MS Word, Font Type: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12 Point, Line Spacing: 1.5
- Abstract as well as Full Paper shall be submitted both in pdf and MS Word and shall be submitted to
- After confirmation of the abstracts, participants will be required to make the fee payment and send the receipt to the organizing committee. Thereafter, you will be receiving a e-kit containing further details, list of speakers, details of the session, directions to the venue, etc.
Registration Fee:
- Academicians/Professionals/Practitioners/Administrators/NGO, etc.: Rs. 750
- Research Scholars, Students, Participation only: Rs. 500
Registration fee includes seminar kit, high tea, and lunch excluding accommodation.
Important Dates:
- Date of Abstract Submission: 15.10.2019
- Communication of Acceptance of the Abstract: 17.10.2019
- Registration and Fee Payment Deadline: 20.10.2019
- Submission of Final Paper: 30.10.2019
Queries are to be directed to, ideally containing the word 'QUERY' in the subject line, or to +918800933447 (working hours only).