Call For Papers: MNLU Nagpur Contemporary Law Review [Submit By 15th March 2021]


16 Feb 2021 10:48 AM IST

  • Call For Papers: MNLU Nagpur Contemporary Law Review [Submit By 15th March 2021]

    MNLU, Nagpur Contemporary Law Review (CLR) is a faculty run, biannual, blind peer-reviewed flagship journal of Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur bearing the ISSN No. 2581-7582 and RNI No. MAHENG/2018/ 76048. The Editorial Board is now accepting submissions for the upcoming special issue titled "In Memoriam- Prof. Shirish. L. Deshpande and his contribution to Indian Legal Education" to pay homage and tribute to the services and persona of Prof. Shirish. Deshpande.

    Who can Apply?

    The Editorial Board calls for contributions from the members of the bar, bench, academia, research scholars and students.


    • Constitution of India
    • Jurisprudence
    • Interpretation of Statutes
    • Disability Jurisprudence
    • Any other theme close to philosophy and ideology of Prof. Shirish. Deshpande

    How to Submit?

    • Submissions must be emailed at (preferably in .docx format) along with an abstract not exceeding 200 words along with 4 to 6 keywords.
    • Submissions should be accompanied by a covering letter addressed to 'The Editor, Contemporary Law Review (CLR) Editorial Board'. The covering letter should include the author's designation, institutional affiliation along with contact information and the submission must be the original work of the author(s).

    Guidelines for Submissions

    • Co-authorship is allowed but only one co-author is allowed.
    • Any form of plagiarism (not more than 15% in total and 10% from one source in the main body of the paper) may lead to disqualification.
    • Submitted entries must not have been sent for consideration at any other place for presentation or publication.
    • The copyright of shortlisted contributors for publication shall be with MNLU, Nagpur.
    • A hard copy of the published issue as well as a letter of acknowledgement shall be sent to the contributors.
    • For formatting and referencing guidelines, authors are requested to follow the Official Style Manual of MNLU Nagpur.


    The last date for submission of manuscript is 15th March, 2021.

    For Formatting and referencing guidelines, click here

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