Lakshmikumaran And Sridharan Acts For Premion LLC In Connection With The Indian Leg Of The Global Equity And Asset Purchase Of Octillion Media LLC
16 March 2024 4:23 AM

Lakshmikumaran and Sridharan Attorneys (LKS) advised Premion LLC, an industry leading connected TV (CTV)/Over-the-Top (OTT) advertising platform, for acquisition of Octillion Media India Private Limited, as part of its global acquisition of equity interests and assets of Octillion Media LLC. Octillion Media LLC is a next generation demand side platform focused on CTV and OTT advertising.
The Corporate and M&A team comprised of Mr. Gaurav Dayal, Partner, Mr. Sushrut Biswal, Partner, Mr. Suhaas Arora, Principal Associate, Mr. Yashraj Chauhan, Associate and Mr. Nehal Kharyal, Associate.
The Direct Tax team comprised of Mr. Karanjot Singh Khurana, Associate Partner, Mr. Harshit Khurana, Principal Associate and Ms. Sonali Bansal, Senior Associate.