Karan S. Thukral Retained By Ravi Singh Khalsa Aid CEO Issues Legal Notice To Twitter Inc.
11 July 2022 1:27 PM

The twitter handle of Khalsa Aid's founder Mr. Ravi Singh was of late suspended and banned in India. The news spread like wild-fire, attracting attention of big political faces and the civil society.
Mr. Ravi Singh through his organization has been actively working towards humanitarian causes and had over the years provided comfort to those affected by international crises such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, cyclones, etc. Over the years, he has been able to establish a global reputation for the organization he generously founded and is also a recipient of numerous awards including "International Sensation Award" and "Ahimsa Award".
Overwhelmed by the mayhem, Khalsa Aid's head, Mr. Ravi Singh has recently retained the services of Advocate Karan S. Thukral to represent him in a proposed redressal against Twitter Inc and the arbitrary action taken by it. Karan S. Thukral's office informed that 'withholding of a twitter account' amounts to violation of freedom and speech of a person and is entirely against the well established principles of natural justice. Not only has this act curtailed his right to speech but has also raised a question on his reliability as a leader of such a renowned organisation.
'Withholding of Mr Ravi Singh's Twitter account has given a false and wrong impression that he has engaged in one or some of the outlawed acts. This was an unanticipated move, given to the fact that he was not even served with a copy of order, leaving him hard done by. This in itself defaces the foundations of the very action taken against him." Exclaimed Karan S. Thukral through his legal notice. "Mr Ravi Singh has been the one facing the storm; shaking the foundation of the true legacy he has built in years of being a selfless man, working for the community at large and standing for those not so privileged" he added.
The law offices of Karan S. Thukral have demanded restoration of his account immediately and unconditionally in addition to seeking the copy of order.