Social Worker Members Vacancy At Chairpersons/Members In Child Welfare Committees (CWCs), Jharkhand
Manav Malhotra
8 July 2021 1:47 PM

Lawyers And Researchers Vacancy At HRLN
Jharkhand State Child Protection Society (JSCPS), Department of Women, Child Development and Social Security, Government of Jharkhand hereby invites online applications for the post of Social Worker Member as an honorary post in Chairpersons/Members in Child Welfare Committees (CWCs) in the state of Jharkhand for the period of 3 years.
Name of the Post: Social Worker Member
No. of Post: 56 (Fifty-Six)
Age Limit: 35-60 Years
Essential Qualification and Experience
• The candidate shall have a minimum of seven years of experience of working with children in the field of education, health, protection, or welfare activities with a degree OR the candidate should be a practicing Page 2 of 10 professional with a degree in child psychology or psychiatry or social work or sociology or human development or in the field of law OR a retired judicial officer.
• The candidate does not have any past record of violation of human rights or child rights;
• The candidate has not been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude, and such conviction has not been reversed or has not been granted full pardon in respect of such offence;
• The candidate has not been removed or dismissed from service of the Central Government or a State Government or an undertaking or corporation owned or controlled by the Central Government or State Government;
• The candidate has never indulged in child abuse or employment of child labour or any other violation of human rights or immoral act; vii. The candidate should not be holding such a full-time occupation that may not allow the person to give the necessary time and attention to the work of the CWC as per the Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act, 2015, and Jharkhand Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Rules, 2017;
How to apply?
• To apply online, click here
• The last date for receipt of completed Application Forms is July 31, 2021
To Access Official Notification, click here