Registrar Vacancy At Tamil Nadu National Law University (TNNLU)

Manav Malhotra

6 Jan 2023 3:40 AM

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    Tamil Nadu National Law University invites applications for the post of Registrar.

    Name of the Post: Registrar

    Essential Qualification and Experience

    • An academician in the field of law, not lower in rank than that of the Principal of a Government Law College or a Professor of a University who has put in service in such capacity for a period of not less than three years or an Officer in the Government not lower in rank than that of the Deputy Secretary to Government, Law Department.

    How to apply?

    • Interested candidates are required to submit their application in the prescribed format and shall submit it to The Vice-Chancellor, Tamil Nadu National Law University, Dindigul Main Road, Navalurkuttapattu Village, Tiruchirappalli 620 027 on or before 27.01.2023

    To Access Official Notification, click here

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