District Judge (Direct Recruitment) At West Bengal Judicial Service
Manav Malhotra
22 Nov 2021 2:27 PM

The High Court of Calcutta invites applications from the members of the Bar for Direct Recruitment to District Judge (Entry Level).
Name of the Post: District Judge (Entry Level)
No. of Post: 04 (Four)
Age Limit: 35-45 Years
Essential Qualification and Experience
• He/she has been practicing for not less than seven years as an advocate as of 01-01-2021;
• He/she has good character and is of sound health and free from any bodily defect which renders him/her unfit for such appointment.
How to apply?
• Interested candidates are required to submit their application in the prescribed format i.e. on a plain paper A-4 size (210 X 297 mm) with the following typed/ computerized format (check the Official Notification) addressed to the Registrar General–cum-Secretary, Selection Board, High Court, Appellate Side, Calcutta – 700 001
• Each application must be accompanied by (a) an Application Fee of Rs. 2000/- (Rupees Two thousand only), Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One thousand only) for SC/ST candidates only by Bank Draft which must be purchased on or after the date of publication of this advertisement and before the last date of submission of application and drawn in favour of Registrar General-cum-Secretary, Selection Board, High Court, Calcutta. (b) 03 (Three) recent and identical coloured passport size photographs duly signed on the frontal side by the candidate [one to be pasted on the top right-hand corner of the application and other 02 (two) to be stitched with the application. Said other 02 (two) identical coloured photographs should be preserved for issuance of Duplicate Admit Cards, if necessary] (c) Documents as mentioned above, (d) Two character certificates, in original (One of the character certificates must be obtained from the President / Vice-President / Secretary of the Bar Association where the candidate is practicing and other by any respectable person). (e) Two Self addressed envelopes affixing therewith a postage stamp of Rs. 45/- (Rupees Forty Five only) each. (f) Self-attestation in all respect will be allowed.
• The last date for submission of application is by 4:30 P.M. on 29th November 2021
To Access Official Notification, click here