Law Officer Vacancy At The Education Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
Manav Malhotra
17 July 2019 6:06 AM

Lawyers And Researchers Vacancy At HRLN
Education Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi invites application for the post of Law Officer Group-B Gazetted, Non- Ministerial) on deputation/ short term contract basis.
Name of the Post: Law Officer
No. of Post: 12 (Twelve)
Age Limit: 65 Years
Pay Scale: Level -9 (Rs. 53,100- 1,67,800)
Essential Qualification
- Degree In Law From A Recognized Institute.
- Three Years' Experience In Legal Work From A Government Department Of Central /State/Uts. Or Public-Sector Undertaking Or Autonomous/ Statutory Bodies Or Recognized Institutes/Universities Or Listed Companies Or Law Firm Or As A Legal Practioner.
How to apply?
- While forwarding the applications in respect of eligible applicants /officers, the following documents must be enclosed.
- Application in the prescribed pro-forma (Annexure I)
- Copies of up-to-date and complete Annual Performance Appraisal Report/ (APAR Dossiers) of the last five years, which should be certified by the officer not below the rank of Under Secretary.
- Integrity Certificate
- Vigilance Clearance including certification that no disciplinary proceedings / Criminal Proceedings are either pending or contemplated against the applicant
- List of a minor/major penalty, if any, imposed upon the applicant during last 10 years.
- Bio-data (in three sets ) and other documents of the eligible officers may be forwarded to this office through proper channels. The applications / CV not accompanied by supporting Certificates/documents in support of qualification and experience claimed by the candidates would not be processed for determining the eligibility of the candidate for selection.
- Eligible candidates are required to apply application in the prescribed format and send the same at Education Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi on or before 1st August 2019.
To Access Official Notification click here
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