Uttar Pradesh Higher Judicial Service Examination 2020

Manav Malhotra

20 Dec 2020 12:23 PM

  • Young Professional (Law) Vacancy At SFIO

    High court of Judicature at Allahabad invites online application for direct recruitment of Advocates to the Uttar Pradesh Higher Judicial Service-2020

    Name of the Post: Uttar Pradesh Higher Judicial Service

    No. of Post: 98 (Ninety-Eight)

    Pay Scale: Rs. 51550-1230-58930-1380-63070.

    Age limit: 35 to 45 years

    Essential Qualification and Experience

    · A candidate must be an Advocate of not less than 07 years' continuous practice as an Advocate on the last date fixed for die submission of application forms.

    How to apply?

    • The application shall be filled online at (www.allahabadhighcourt.in) from 20th January 2021 to 19th February 2021 till 23:59 hours after which the link will be disabled.
    • Applications received through any other mode will not be accepted. The hard copy of the opine submitted application forms may be downloaded/printed upto 22nd February 2021 till 23:59 hours
    • In addition to submission of on-line application, the downloaded hard copy of the application form along with requisite documents, as mentioned in the instructions are to be submitted as follows '

    (i) The Advocates practicing within the State of U.P.- Before the District a Sessions Judge of the District or the Registrar General, High Court Allahabad or the Senior Registrar, Lucknow Bends, Lucknow, as the case may be, after obtaining requisite forwarding on or before 27th February 2021

    (ii)The Advocates practicing outside the State of U.P. - The candidates shall obtain requisite forwarding by the District and Sessions Judge of the District/Registrar General/Registrar of the High Court's/Secretary General of the Supreme Court, as the case may be. Duly filled in and forwarded the application forms are to be sent directly by the candidate through Registered Post/speed Post/Courier to the Registrar (J), (Selection & Appointment /Seniority), High Court of Judicature at Allahabad, so as to reach on or before 08th March 2021.

    To Access Official Notification, click here

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