Professor Vacancy At The National Judicial Academy
Manav Malhotra
23 Aug 2023 5:48 AM

The National Judicial Academy invites applications for the post of Professor on a deputation basis.
Name of the Post: Professor
No. of Post: 02 (Two)
Essential Qualification and Experience
• An eminent juris/scholar with published work of high quality, actively engaged in research, with 10 years of experience in postgraduate teaching, and/or experience in research at the Judicial Academy/ National Level institutions/ University, including experience in guiding research at doctorate level OR An Outstanding juris/scholar with established reputation who has made a significant contribution to knowledge (period spent for obtaining the research degrees shall not be counted for experience purpose).
• On Deputation: (i) A District Judge having Doctorate in Law, who has an experience of 5 years. Experience in a Training Academy shall be a desirable qualification. OR (ii) Officers of the Central Government or State Governments or Universities or Recognized Research institutions; (a) holding analogous post; OR (b) with two years regular service in the scale of Rs.16400-450-20900 (as per sth CPC) or equivalent; OR (c) with six years regular service in the scale of Rs.14300-450-22400 (as per 5th CPC); OR (d) With eleven years regular service in the scale of Rs,10,000/- (as per sth CPC) or equivalent.
How to apply?
• Interested candidates are required to submit their application in the prescribed format and shall submit it to The Registrar (Administration), National Judicial Academy, Bhadbhada Road, Suraj Nagar P.O., Bhopal- 462044 (M.P,) on or before 31.08.2023
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