International Seminar on Human Rights, Civil Society and The Changing Facets of Terrorism Geeta Group of Institutions

Nikita Hora

8 Oct 2015 9:27 AM

  • International Seminar on Human Rights, Civil Society and The Changing Facets of Terrorism Geeta Group of Institutions


    Terrorism is a menace that has marked its existence in most primitive of the societies and is still prevalent in contemporary world. Terrorism has spread its wings across different parts of the world. The terrorist organisations have developed with time in different aspects. Their impact is very indigenous and global at the same time. Their methods of operation and their functioning have also evolved at different levels. In this environment, the role of Law, International Organisations and that of Civil Society also need to evolve to a level where they are empowered to effectively combat this menace effectively and at the same time assure that the rights of those affected by such terrorist activity and affected while combating such activity can be protected.

    Therefore, GIL endeavours to provide platform to academicians, thinkers and students from around the globe to discuss, deliberate and debate and contemplate solutions to this issue which is pertinent, relevant and imperative in contemporary society


    21st November 2015


    For Students

    (Category I)

    1. Indian 1000

    1. Foreign National US$50

    Faculty, Research Scholars and other professionals (Category II)

    1. Indian 2000

    1. Foreign Nationals US$ 70
    2. Registration fee includes seminar kit, tea and lunch.
    3. The conference proceedings shall be published in the souvenir with the abstracts of the selected paper.
    4. The peer reviewed selected paper will be published in the Institute’s Journal (ISSN No. 2278-6775 ):
    5. All the delegates are requested to bring one hard copy of the original Full Paper and ID Proof along with them. Top three papers from each category i.e. Students, research scholars & professionals etc. And foreign nations selected shall be awarded from each category. Certificate of participation shall be given to all participants.


    1. Counter-terrorism and Human Rights
    2. Neglect of Human Rights : A Fertile Grounds for breeding Terrorism
    3. The old and the new terrorism
    4. Globalisation of terrorism
    5. International Organisations and Terrorism
    6. State sponsored terrorism


    The abstract should not exceed 300 words and must be accompanied by a cover page stating the following:-

    1. Sub-theme
    2. Title of the Paper
    3. Name of the author(s)
    4. E-mail address
    5. Postal address and
    6. Contact Number


    The paper should not exceed 6000 words (exclusive of footnotes)

    1. Co-authorship is permitted with a maximum of two authors only.

    1. In case of co-authorship at least one author must attend the seminar to present the paper.

    1. In case a student is presenting the paper of the faculty members shall be allowed only if they have co-authored the paper.

    1. The main text should be in Times New Roman with font size 12 and spacing of 1.5.
    2. The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, font size 10 with single line spacing.

    1. One inch margins on all sides should be maintained.

    1. Citation style: Bluebook 20th Edition

    1. All correspondence must be sent to email:

    The paper must be accompanied with the scanned copies of the duly filled Registration form, DD details, the cover page, the details of which are mentioned in the abstract guidelines. All submissions must be the author’s original and unpublished work. Plagiarized submissions will be disqualified.


    1. Submission of Abstract 30th October
    2. Confirmation of Abstract 2nd November
    3. Submission of Full paper,

     Demand Draft and Registration form -(only Soft copies of all)- 12th November

    1. International Seminar 21st November


    Accommodation may be arranged in local star hotels on actual payment basis. However, request in this regard shall be made earlier. Charges for the same will be 1500/ person.


    The Demand Draft is to be drawn in favour of Geeta Institute of law payable at Panipat. Note: Registration fee is not refundable. The institution will not provide any TA/DA.


    1. Dr. Josuke Ikeda, Associate Professor,

    Ritsumeikan University, Japan

    1. Mr. Jeremy Wade, Associate Director,

    Jindal Centre for Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship


    RashmiNagpal Dean,

    Geeta Institute of Law

    (M) 9416013377,9896036400

    Sanjay Pasi

    Seminar Secretary Asst. Professor

    Geeta Institute of Law

    Prabhas Kumar

    Asst. Professor,

    Geeta Institute of Law


    For any queries you can contact:

    Mr. Shashank Kumar

    Seminar Co-ordinator& Asst. Professor,

    Geeta Institute of Law;

    Ph: +91 8290590265

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