Impeachment Motion: Five Main Allegations Against Justice CV Nagarjuna Reddy


8 Dec 2016 3:15 PM

  • Impeachment Motion: Five Main Allegations Against Justice CV Nagarjuna Reddy

    Sixty one Rajya Sabha members have moved a petition for impeachment proceedings against Justice CV Nagarjuna Reddy of the Andhra Pradesh/Telangana High Court. The following are the main allegations against the JudgeMisused his position as HC judge to ‘victimize’ a ‘Dalit’ JudgeThe impeachment motion describes the allegation made by Mr. Rama Krishna, formerly Principal Junior Civil...

    Sixty one Rajya Sabha members have moved a petition for impeachment proceedings against Justice CV Nagarjuna Reddy of the Andhra Pradesh/Telangana High Court. The following are the main allegations against the Judge

    Misused his position as HC judge to ‘victimize’ a ‘Dalit’ Judge

    The impeachment motion describes the allegation made by Mr. Rama Krishna, formerly Principal Junior Civil Judge, Rayachoty, Kadapa District, currently under suspension, that he was forced by Justice C.V. Nagarjuna Reddy to remove the name of Mr. Pavan Kumar Reddy who happens to be the brother of Justice Reddy, from a dying declaration recorded by Mr. Rama Krishna when he was posted as Magistrate in Rayachoty. He alleged that Justice Reddy had summoned him to his home and when he refused to remove the name of his brother from the dying declaration, he kicked him with his shoes and abused his caste.

    Charges of Dalit atrocity against spouse, daughter and brother

    Another incident of alleged Dalit atrocity pertaining to the registration of an FIR by the ‘Dalit’ tenants against Justice C.V. Nagarjuna Reddy’s wife and daughter, is also mentioned. There also allegations that Mr. Pavan Kumar Reddy commits these various atrocities against the Dalits community under the protective banner of his brother, Justice C.V. Nagarjuna Reddy’s influence

    Disproportionate income

    The motion also alleges that Justice Reddy abused his position to amass several movable and immovable properties crores of rupees disproportionate to his known sources of income.

    Non-Disclosure of Assets and Liabilities

    Yet another allegation against Justice Reddy is that he has not disclosed his assets and liabilities in violation of the Code of Conduct that mandates declaration of assets of oneself and dependents by all the judges.

    Misconduct when he was an Advocate

    It is also mentioned in the impeachment motion that Justice Reddy committed misconduct while he was working as Standing Counsel, for the High Court of Andhra Pradesh.

    This article has been made possible because of financial support from Independent and Public-Spirited Media Foundation.

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