ILS, Pune to host conference on Arbitration

Aishwarya Dhakarey

21 July 2016 6:17 PM

  • ILS, Pune to host conference on Arbitration

    The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, established by its parent body the Indian Law Society, Pune is organizing a two-day National Conference on Arbitration on 26-27th August, 2016 at ILS Law College, Pune.

    This conference is being organized to discuss the increasing relevance and impact of Arbitration in different areas of disputes and its growing importance in India. The deliberations of the Conference will chiefly emphasize on both Domestic Arbitration and International Arbitration.



    Confidentiality and Transparency in International Commercial Arbitration

    Arbitrating International Intellectual Property Disputes

    International Investment Arbitration: The Indian Perspective


    How to make India a better seat for Arbitration

    Judicial Intervention in Arbitration in India

    Has the enactment of the Arbitration & Conciliation (Amendment) Act, 2015 improved the Arbitration Scenario in India?


    K.G. Balakrishnan, Former Chief Justice of India


    Salman Khurshid, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India

    Indu Malhotra, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India

    Geeta Luthra, Senior Advocate, Delhi High Court

    Janak Dwarkadas, Senior Counsel, Bombay High Court

    Abhinav Bhushan, Director, South Asia, International Chambers of Commerce

    Tejas Karia, Partner, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas

    Ciccu Mukhophdyaya, Former Vice President, ICC Arbitration

    Neeti Sachdeva, Secretary General and Registrar at Mumbai Centre For International Arbitration

    Badrinath Durvasula, Vice President, Adani Grou

    Santosh Kamat, Legal Head, TATA Motors

    SK Singh, Founder and Managing Partner, Indian International and Domestic Arbitration Centre

    Pranav Mago, Head (South Asia) at Singapore International Arbitration Centre

    Ajay Thomas, Director, Former LCIA, India

    Anirudh Krishnan, Founding Partner at AK Law Chambers

    Rishab Gupta, Counsel, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas


    Faculty and students of ILS Law College, Pune are invited to individually author original research articles on any of the Conference Agenda as mentioned above. Authors of selected articles will be given an opportunity to present their work in the Conference. The selected articles will be published as part of the Conference Handbook.

    Authors shall send their research articles by email to:

    Deadline for Submission of Abstract: 1st August, 2016

    Notification of Selection: 3rd August, 2016

    Deadline for submission of Full Paper: 15th August, 2016

    Mode of Submission:

    Authors shall send their research articles by email to:

    Number of Authors

    Co-authorship up to 2 authors is allowed

    Word Count

    Minimum: 3000 words, Maximum: 5000 words, (exclusive of

    Footnotes and Bibliography)

    Format of the Article

    File Type: MSWord (.doc or .docx)

    Page Size: A4

    Orientation: Portrait

    Margin: Normal (2.54 cm – all sides)

    Alignment : Justified

    Font : Times New Roman

    Font Size (Main Body) : 12

    Font Size (Footnotes) : 10

    Line Spacing (Main Body) : 1.5

    Line Spacing (Footnotes) : 1.0

    Citation Format: Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities

    (OSCOLA), 4th Edition


    The Registration fees is as follows:

    Students: Rs. 505/-

    Professionals: Rs. 1005/-

    Registration starts: 1st August, 2016

    Registration closes: 20th August 2016

    Registration on First-cum-first-serve basis

    Click Here for Registration Form.

    Click Here for Conference Schedule.

    Mode of Payment

    Cash to be deposited at ILS Law College

    Demand Draft in favor of ‘Institute of Advanced Legal Studies’ payable at Pune

    Cheque in favor of ‘Institute of Advanced Legal Studies.  DD and Cheque are to be sent to the following address:

    Institute of Advanced Legal Studies,

    ILS Law College,

    Chiplunkar Road (Law College Road),

    Pune 411004,


    1. Bank Transfer:

    Name of A/c: Institute of Advanced Legal Studies

    Name of Bank: Syndicate Bank

    A/c No. 53322010058283

    Branch: Karve Road

    IFS Code: SYNB0005332

    Kindly fill in the Registration form and email at along with proof of payment.


    For further information contact:

    Faculty Coordinator: Sathya Narayan , Deepa Paturkar

    Office Coordinator: Yogesh Sonawane

    Student Coordinator: Raghvendra Singh, 9764203971

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