ILS Centre for Arbitration (ILSCA): International Conference On Contemporary Issues In International Arbitration
manav malhotra
22 July 2017 5:36 AM

ILSCA is organizing a two-day on International Conference on Contemporary issues in International Arbitration 4th-5th August 2017 at ILS Law College, Pune.
The Conference scheduled for 4th and 5th August 2017 is the first activity under ILSCA for the year 2017. The discussions of the Conference will chiefly emphasize on numerous current issues about International Commercial Arbitration. The Conference seeks to highlight the increasing relevance and impact of arbitration, particularly with regard to international commercial arbitration, in dispute resolution.
Venue: ILS Law College, Pune
DAY -1- Friday – 4th August 2017
- International Arbitration and Domestic Arbitration: The Distinction
- Selecting an Arbitral Seat: Key Considerations
- Evidence in International Arbitration Procedure
DAY-2- Saturday – 5th August 2017
- Role of Courts in International Arbitration
- Abuse of process in International Investment Arbitration
- India as an International Commercial Arbitration Hub-The Challenges
Valedictory Speaker: Justice Sanjeev Sachdeva, Sitting Judge, Delhi High Court
Confirmed Panelists for The Conference:
- Datuk Professor Sundra Rajoo Director at Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration
- Hiroo Advani, Founding Partner, Advani and Co.
- Andrew Battisson, Partner, Allen and Overy
- Promod Nair, Advocate, Arista Chambers
- Ngangom Junior Luwang, Senior Partner, Kocchar and Co
- Shaneen Parikh, Partner, Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas
- Tejas Karia, Partner, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas
- Philip Teoh, Partner, Azmi & Associates
- Vyapak Desai, Partner, Nishith Desai Associates
- Raj Panchmatia, Partner, Khaitan and Co.
- Shreyas Jaisimha, Advocate and Founder, Aarna Law
- Dharshini Prasad, Associate, Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
- Vivek Kapoor, Senior Associate, Stephenson Harwood LLP
- Prabhas Ranjan, Associate Professor, South Asian University
- Rishab Gupta, Counsel, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas
- Pranav Mago, Head (South Asia),Singapore International Arbitration Centre
- Neeti Sachdeva,Registrar and Secretary General, MCIA
Registration Fee:
ILS Students: Rs. 1100/-
Non- ILS Students: Rs. 1500/-
Others: Rs.4000/-
Limited Seats to be allotted on First Come First Serve Basis.
Process for Registration:
- Register your names to arbconf2017@ilslaw.inwith the email subject “Enrollment for the International Conference”
- After Registration, Course ID shall be allotted to candidate and only by that seat no. the fees is payable.
Payment Details:
Payment can be made online from 12/07/2017 or Demand Draft in Named on “Indian Law Society Center for Arbitration” Payable at Pune.
Online Payment Link:
Email the registration form and payment receipt to immediately after payment is made.
The last date of registration as well as payment is 27th July 2017.
Details will be posted form time to time at:
For more details Email to:
- Faculty Incharge: Sathya Narayan, Director, ILS Centre for Arbitration
- Student Convenor: Srishti: 9956344953
- Coordinators: Naveena Pradeep: 9673992546, Anoushka Goyal: 7387290548
For official notification click here
For Registration Form click here