Madras HC Finds's "30-Day Money Back Guarantee" Ad Slogan Prima Facie Misleading, Says Real Terms 'Tucked In Fine Print'

Upasana Sajeev

30 Jan 2025 6:15 AM

  • Madras HC Finds Shaadi.coms 30-Day Money Back Guarantee Ad Slogan Prima Facie Misleading, Says Real Terms Tucked In Fine Print

    The Madras High Court has held that a recent advertisement of the matrimonial company giving money back guarantee if unable to find a bride/groom in 30 days is prima facie misleading and deceptive. Justice RMT Teeka Raman observed that real terms of the offer, which is "contrary" to the promise made in the ad, are "tucked in fine print". As per the terms and conditions, the...

    The Madras High Court has held that a recent advertisement of the matrimonial company giving money back guarantee if unable to find a bride/groom in 30 days is prima facie misleading and deceptive.

    Justice RMT Teeka Raman observed that real terms of the offer, which is "contrary" to the promise made in the ad, are "tucked in fine print". As per the terms and conditions, the money back guarantee is triggered when a premium member sends at least 10 interests but doesn't get a single accept within first 30 days.

    This prompted the bench to allow an interim injunction application filed by's competitor It observed,

    On perusal of the advertisement / offer and paper printout of the respondent [] as found in the typed set of papers, as extracted supra and coupled with the reasons stated in the preceding paragraphs, this Court finds that the said advertisement / offer of the respondent is in contravention of the Cable Television Networks Rules, 1994 as the “money back guarantee” advertisement / offer made by the respondent appears to be highly misleading and deceptive and the general public,” the court said. had approached the court against the advertisement alleging that it violated the Code for Self-regulation of Advertising Content in India, Cable Television Networks Rules 1994, and the Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995. It was submitted that, thourgh its advertisement has committed deceit and peddled falsehood. It was submitted that had deliberately made dishonest and untruthful claims about their services to exploit the consumers.

    The court was also informed that a complaint was also raised with the Advertising Standards Council of India which had a categorical observation that the advertisements were misleading and likely to lead to widespread disappointment in the minds of the consumers. The ASCI also asked to modify or withdraw the order but refused to mend its ways.

    On the other hand, submitted that the present application was filed without any cause and was an illegal attempt to undermine or disadvantage them, who were's mail competitor in the market. Thus, it was claimed that the present application was an outburst of business rivalry and filed to scuttle's growth in the market. It was also submitted that had put out a disclaimer along with the advertisement making it clear that the money-back guarantee was applicable only if a premium member had sent out at least 10 interests to other members and did not receive even a single accept within the first 30 days. Regarding the ASCI's observation, argued that ASCI's decision was only recommendatory in nature and had no legal obligation.

    The court agreed that ASCI's decision was only recommendatory and not binding since it lacked a statutory sanction. At the same time, the court added that could not mislead the public by making false advertisements whereby the public would be put to cheating.

    The court also noted that the disclaimer put out by was only a futile attempt to project as if it was transparent as it was practically impossible for an average person to read the two lengthy lines within the few seconds of the advertisement. The court also noted that even as per the affidavit filed by, around 1201 refund requests had been processed, which meant that more than 1000 people had already been cheated or misled by the advertisement.

    The court thus observed that had indulged in unfair trade practice through the advertisement and made a false assertion that utilising their services would guarantee a partner within 30 days when in reality the conditions were tucked in fine print.

    This Court finds that the respondent by employing a misleading advertisement with falsehood has contravened the Code for Self- regulation of Advertising Content in India and indulged in unfair trade of practice and he has made a false assertion that utilizing their service comes with a guarantee that the user will “find a bride / bridegroom within a period of thirty days” and also made a false assertion that the user shall be guaranteed money back in the event they fail to secure a bride / bridegroom,” the court said.

    Thus, finding that there was a prima facie case of making gains through unfair trade practice, the court temporarily restrained from broadcasting the advertisement in any medium.

    Counsel for the Petitioner: Mr. P. V. Bala Subramanian Senior Counsel for M/s. BFS Legal

    Counsel for the Respondent: Mr. P.S.Raman Senior Counsel for Mr.Mahesh Saurastri

    Case Title: Ltd v. People Interactive (I) Pvt Ltd

    Citation: 2025 LiveLaw (Mad) 33

    Case No: O.A. No.389 of 2024

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